Chapter 12: Unexpected

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**Sorry if it looks bad, I'm uploading it from my phone**

                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Few Weeks Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"John, I'm not feeling so well," Amy said.

A few weeks had passed since John and Amy reconciled and had their lovely night together. They've been so happy, they've been spending a lot of time together.

"Babe, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" he asked.

Amy hasn't felt well for days now and today it had gotten worse.

"Baby, you've been sick for days now, I'm worried about you, you look pale," he said.

"Let's go to the hospital, I can't resist it anymore," she said.


"Hello, may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Hi, I'm John Cena, my wife Amy Cena hasn't been feeling well for days, she wants a check-up," John explained.

"No problem, if you could please wait in the lobby, a nurse will call you whenever we're ready for you," the receptionist explained.

"Sure, thank you," John said.

He sat beside Amy, he hugged her and she rested her head on his chest, "You'll be fine baby" he said.

"Mrs. Cena? We'll ready for you," the nurse said.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cena, what can I do for you today?" the doctor asked.

"Hello doctor, I just haven't been feeling well for a few days now, I want to know what's going on," Amy explained.

"Well let's go a blood test to see if everything is fine," he said.

After the doctor did the blood test, he left the room without explanation, leaving John and Amy puzzled as to what was happening.

"You're expecting a child," the doctor said.

"John!, I can't believe we're having a baby," Amy exclaimed.

"Wow, we're going to have a baby Amy," John said.

John and Amy have been wanting to start a family together all this time and it was finally coming true. John kept rubbing Amy's stomach, he couldn't believe he was finally going to be a father, he's been wanting to have a baby with Amy for so long.

Amy was excited and shocked about the news. After they had been together on their wedding night, Amy was expecting to get pregnant but she didn't which disappointed her. Now, on their second try and they were having a child together.

Just as she was completely happy a reality sunk in on Amy, she was pregnant which meant she would have to stop wrestling for a year almost and she would have to give up her Divas championship without losing it to anyone. She sat on the couch in the RV just thoughtful about it all.

"Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" John asked as Amy was staring into space.

"John, don't get me wrong, I've been wanting to get pregnant with you but the reality is my career is over too. I can't wrestle for a year and I will have to give up my title too," she said in tears.

"Amy, why are you being so selfish? You always wanted a baby with me and now that we have that you're thinking about your title and wrestling," he yelled as he slammed the door.

If Amy felt horrible as it was, she felt even worse now.

She hurried to Mr. McMahon's office to speak with him and Hunter about her pregnancy.

"Hello, I wanted to talk to you both," she said in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked.

"I just have some news for you both," she said. "I got checked up and John and I are expecting our first child together," she explained.

"Amy! Congratulations," McMahon said.

"I'm really happy for you both," Hunter said.

"Thank you" she responded.

"Since I can't wrestle anymore, I have to relinquish my title tonight if that's fine with both of you," she said.

"That's no problem Amy, you know you have our support," Hunter said.

"Thank you," she said as she left.


Monday Night RAW opened with Amy's entrance. She made her way to the ring with her Divas Championship on her shoulder.

"Hello WWE Universe and Welcome to Monday Night RAW," she screamed.

Amy tried to keep it all inside as she talked.

"Well WWE Universe, I've been through so much since I debuted here. Today, I received some great news, my husband John and I are expecting our first child together," she explained.

The crowd cheered to know the news.

"However, that means that I cannot wrestle for a year and I have to give up my Divas Championship," she said in tears as she glanced at the precious title. "But I wanted to thank you all for the support you've given me for the past few years and don't worry i'll be back to reclaim what's rightfully mine," she said.

Amy placed the Divas Championship on the mat with her wristband by it, she blew a kiss to the audience.

"Thank you Amy! Thank you Amy!" the crowd cheered which made her cry even more.

As she was about to exit the ring, Mr. McMahon's music started and he came down to the ramp accompanied by Hunter, John and all the WWE roster.

"Amy Cena! You can't leave just like that, we're all here for you and we actually have a video montage of your career in the WWE," McMahon said.

A tribute video for Amy played of Amy's accomplishments and story lines. The video included DX, winning her first Divas Championship and her WrestleMania engagement to John.

"Thank you everybody, it means a lot to me, thank you for everything you all have done for me," she said.

Amy headed up the ramp and backstage.

She found Phil right away, "I'm sorry Phil, I feel like I betrayed you," she said as she hugged him.

"Amy, he's your husband, right?" He asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"Then don't feel guilty for having a baby with your husband, just know that I'm always here for you whenever you need me, don't ever hesitate," he said as he kissed her head. "I love you Amy," he whispered.

"I love you too Phil," she responded.

Even though she wasn't with him, he will always love her, she held a very special place in his heart that no one could replace. He loved her, she showed him what love really is and he was happy for her.

As the show went to commercial, Amy headed to the RV while John finished the show.

"Baby, where are you going?" he asked.

"I thought you were mad at me so I was going to wait in the RV until the show was over," she answered.

"Amy, I'm so sorry about how I acted, I thought about it and I would have been upset too if I had to put my career on hold and give up something that took you hard work to get," he said as he hugged her. "Just think we won't be wrestling forever but our family will be forever," he said.

"I love you John, it wasn't easy for me to give up my championship but knowing that I'm expecting a baby with you makes me so much happier," she said as she kissed him.

"Will you forgive me for being a jerk earlier?" he asked with a smile that she could see his dimples that she found adorable.

"Of course I'll forgive you John," she said with a smile.

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