Chapter 6: Payback Is A B!+$#

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**Monday Night RAW**

It had been 24 hours since the PayBack PPV, The Shield, Punk and Amy opened the show to explain what happened.

"Please welcome your CEO and Divas Champion Amy Cena," Justin Roberts announced.

"Guys, if you could please join me at ringside for this," she said.

Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and CM Punk made their way to the ring through the crowd, they climbed the barricade and stood beside her for support.

"A lot of people have called, texted, emailed and tweeted me saying, "Why Amy, why?" She mocked the audience, "For those of you that don't know, I'm John Cena's wife, and last week I found out that he was cheating on me with a WWE Diva backstage. It took me by surprise, I didn't want to believe it, I refused to I decided to get some help, these four gentlemen behind me cared for me when no one did. My husband has not tried to reach me and explain the situation," she cooed. "John, have you ever heard of the saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?" There will be hell to pay and it started last night at PayBack," she said angrily.

John's music interrupted them, the crowd booed as he stood by the ramp, "Babe, I can't believe you're letting your head get brainwashed by them."

"Don't call me babe!" she yelled.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you, you're the perfect wife, I don't know why I did what I did," he said.

Amy mocked him, "I don't care about what you have to say John," she said. "I've been working with The Shield all along, those attacks on you were all planned by me. Randy, Sheamus, Team Hell No, you were all attacked because they stuck their noses where they didn't belong," she said. "I'll tell you what, I have a proposition for you, how about a match at the Money in the Bank PPV?" she asked.

John nodded in agreement.

"The Shield & CM Punk vs. Randy, Team Hell No & you, Johnny Boy," she said.

Vickie interrupted them, "Excuse me! Excuse me everybody!" Amy I love the match, how about we have that match tonight," she said. "For our main event, we will have The Shield, CM Punk & Amy Cena vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Team Hell No & a Diva of their choice," she said.

"You're on," Amy yelled.

Kaitlyn met Amy in the Divas locker room with a confused look on her face, "I have to tell you something Amy." 

"Sure. what's going on?" Amy asked.

"Mr. McMahon called me to his office, he wants the guys to choose me as their Diva for the tag match," she explained.

"It's okay, just remember the storyline with John is real, I'm trying to get revenge but I won't do that to you my friend," Amy reassured her.

"I'm glad we cleared the air Amy, I didn't want to be part of it," she said.

"I understand, it will help you," Amy said.

Amy hugged her.

"This next contest is scheduled for one fall and it's the main event for this evening," Lilian Garcia announced. "Introducing first, the team of John Cena, Team Hell No and Randy Orton," she announced.

John grabbed a microphone to announce the Diva they were teaming up with, "And our tag team partner for tonight is…Kaitlyn!," he yelled.

"And their opponents, representing the Shield: United States Champion Dean Ambrose,  WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, CM Punk and Divas Champion Amy Cena," Garcia announced.

Kaitlyn and Amy started the match, it wasn't easy for Amy, having to wrestle against her real life best friend. Amy ducked from her spear and tagged him Dean. Dean went against Orton, these two had such a great chemistry in the ring. She knew the main event will make this one of the best in Monday Night RAW's in history. Orton tagged in Daniel, Seth was tagged by Dean. Seth and Daniel kept the action going back and forth with various submission maneuvers. Seth then tagged Roman and Daniel tagged Kane in the ring. It was scary seeing Kane wrestle up close but Roman was as equally scary. John got tagged in and Punk went in there as well. Cena was near their corner, Amy distracted him while Punk did the GTS on him for their victory.

"Here are your winners Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Amy Cena, and CM Punk: The Shield," Lillian announced.

"Excuse me!" Vickie yelled.

The Shield was celebrating their victory just as Vickie decided to interrupt it.

"At the Money In the Bank PPV, everyone of your championships will be on the line," she explained. "Amy you will face Kaitlyn for the Divas Championship, Dean you will face Randy Orton for your United States Championship, Roman and Seth, you will face Team Hell No and John Cena, your challenger will be none other than CM Punk himself," she announced. "Have a good night everyone," she said as she closed the show.

Punk helped Amy get out of the ring, she was really happy to be getting her revenge from John.  He was near her when she held Punk's hand and kissed his cheek, she could see John's face was filled with fury, his fists were clenched, his knuckles turned white. It wasn't easy being away from her husband but she wanted to teach him a lesson, he shouldn't have done what he did.




*Who do you guys think is the Diva that John cheated with??  Let me know what you guys think of the story, I welcome any suggestions or ideas and thanks for supporting my story. I can't believe that months ago this was just an idea in my head and now it's coming to life so thank you! Also a special thanks to Monica and Lexi for supporting me and helping me write this story as it comes along, I'll be forever grateful to you both.

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