Chapter 18: Blast From the Past

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The WWE Superstars and Divas had a few shows in Florida and they decided to fly out a day early to hang out together. The guys wanted to go to a club and start drinking while the girls just wanted to be wild and crazy for one night.

"The girls want to go out tonight without guys but I don't want to be without you," Amy said.

"I know babe, the guys want to go alone tonight too," John said.

"I just want to stay home tonight and spend time with you," she said when she got closer to meet his lips.

He held her by her waist just loving how when their lips were together.

"Me too, I prefer staying with my wife," he said.

His cellphone started ringing but he didn't want to let go of her.

"Hey Randy, how are you?" he asked.

He put the call in speaker to chat with Randy.

"Hey John, are you coming tonight?" he asked right away.

"I don't know man, I don't want to be without Amy," John responded.

"John! Come on, no offense Amy but you guys are together all the time, you don't have to get drunk just go out with us, we want you to have a bit of fun, you haven't been out with us in a while," Randy said.

Amy felt guilty once she heard Randy, it was true, John had not been out with the guys for a while now because he wanted to spend all his time with Amy and their baby.

"Baby, go out and have fun, Randy's right," she whispered in her ear sending chills down his spine.

"Okay man, I'll go out later," he said and he held her close to him.

"Cool, we're definitely going out clubbing, I'll pick you up," Randy said.

"Babe are you sure you want me to go out?" he asked.

"John, Randy's right, the guys are going to think that I'm not letting you go out, you should go out and have fun for a bit, maybe I'll go with the girls too. My parents can babysit John for a little while," she explained.

"Only if you're sure baby," he said.

"I'm sure, we haven't been out with them in a while, I miss the girls," she said.

"I know, I miss hanging out with the guys too but I'm married now and with a child, it's different now," he explained.

She nodded, "I'll go out with them but I promise I won't drink or anything, I'll be the designated driver," he said.

"I know you'll behave," she said with a wink.

"You're too cute baby, I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she responded.

They started to get ready, he stared at her as she put on a black dress and gray heels. He just couldn't help but love the way the dress flowed on her curves, he loved her body.

"Do you see something you like?" she teased.

He snapped out of it, "Yeah I love the view."

She smiled, "I love my view too," she said.

He noticed he was just sitting on the bed in his boxers instead of getting ready.

He hugged her from behind, he kissed her neck, "Don't have too much fun in that dress without me."

"I won't, I promise," she said.

Kaitlyn called her, "I'm downstairs, let's go!," she said.

"I'll be right there," Amy responded.

"Love, Kaitlyn's here, I'll see you later and try to have fun," she said and she gave him a passionate kiss to last him until she came back.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too babe, have fun," he said.

"Hey, ready to have fun?" Kaitlyn said.

"Of course I am," Amy responded.

Randy called John, "Hey come downstairs, I'm here."

"On my way there," John responded.

The guys decided to go to a club, John felt strange not drinking but he wanted to make Amy proud by not even having a drink. He kept watching Randy make a fool out of himself. It was funny just seeing him, it was a side of Randy he hadn't seen in a while.

Amy was having fun just chatting with the girls, they kept going to different clubs, a lot of guys were flirting or attempting to but Amy didn't even give them a chance to. They finally decided on the club Kharma, it was decent, nice music and great mood.

The club had an open mic night, a very good looking blonde guy stepped onstage with his acoustic guitar.

"Hello everyone, I hope you guys are having a good night, my name is Daniel and I'll be singing a few songs for you all tonight," he said.

He took a glance at the audience and locked eyes with Amy, she happened to look at the stage at that same time.

She knew he looked familiar, "Amy," he whispered.

Once she heard her name coming from his lips, she remembered the bad memories from him when she shed a tear.

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