Chapter 1

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"Come in," Zayn shouted as the sounds of knock on the door kept on getting more and more persistent. He had been signing some important contracts while listening to classical music and honest to self, he didn't want anyone to interrupt him right now but when you own a multi billion dollar worth companies, you really need to answer to everyone's beck and call.

"Zayn, Zayn, you won't believe who just walked in!" His best friend of years and also his personal assistant, Louis Tomlinson, squealed in joy and excitement causing Zayn to chuckle. He couldn't believe that this man was two years older than him.

"Who! Who!" Zayn mocked Louis's shrill, high pitched voice. He hated being interrupted and as much as he loved Louis, he was not going to lay off the mocking tone and the insults. Only a few people deserved that special treatment from Zayn and up till now he hadn't found anyone other than his family members.

"He's so damn sexy Z! You're going to love him and best of all, he's going to be your SECRETARY! Can you imagine that? Oh lord Zayn, you should totally tap that. Stay away from all those whores you fuck and just screw his perky little ass," Zayn sighed. Louis was one of those people who didn't want Zayn to settle down but definitely wanted him to limit his sexual partners. Its not like Zayn had too many of them, he just didn't like spending time with the same person again and again. He liked new people to play with and being bisexual always worked in his favor.

"Wait, Louis who are you talking about?" Zayn asked, closing his laptop when he guessed that Louis wasn't going to shut up any time soon.

"The new secretary! You know, we had to send out advertisements because some asshole decided to fire his secretary because she was getting too clingy and he was tired to putting his dick in the same hole again and again?" Zayn sighed, it wasn't really his fault, he just got bored too easily.

"So a few guys and girls applied but they were all too boring but this guy, Zayn this guy had got to be the sexiest human being ever! He even wears skirts and lord, he does it so fucking well!" Louis squealed again, fan girling over this guy whose name Zayn didn't even know yet.

"Show me his photographs if he's that good," Zayn answered completely unaffected by the way in which his friend was acting. He knew that if this guy was as sexy as Louis made him out to be, then Louis was definitely going to try to get it on with him as well. It was always like this between the two friends. If they liked the same person, they both went for it fully aware that none of them were going to actually fall in love with the person. They had it easy, you could say.

"Photographs? Z, he's outside waiting for me to call him in so you can meet him and interview him," Zayn flinched when his best mates voice became louder. He preferred a quiet environment and Louis certainly wasn't offering him one. Why hadn't he fired the brunette yet?

"Then send him in?" and that's all Louis needed to know before he rushed outside to invite the seemingly gorgeous and sexy boy.

Louis walked over with a jump in his steps and froze when those crystal blue eyes looked at him. They held so much innocence yet mischief that Louis couldn't help but imagine the things he would love to do this smaller, fragile lad. He glanced at him, checking him out from top to bottom. The perfectly shaved pale legs, covered with knee high white socks and vans which had pink butterflies on them, and that white tight mini skirt which Louis so desperately wanted to flick upwards just so he could check whether the blonde wore panties or not. He loved the black singlet which the soon-to-be secretary was wearing and especially loved the off shoulder purple white top.

"Um...," the blonde blushed, noticing Louis's intense gaze. He was used to people looking at him like that but Louis here looking like he wanted to eat the boy alive.

"Mr Malik will see you now," Louis nodded his head slowly, calming himself down. Getting hard while at work was definitely something he wanted to avoid at all costs, at least at the moment he did.

"Oh, alright," the blonde got up slowly, being careful with his skirt. He walked over to the room where Louis had come from and knocked softly, waiting for the husky male voice to order him to come inside.


Zayn was not bouncing on his seat with joy or excitement for he didn't exactly understand what could be so special about the boy. But the way Louis had described him, did make Zayn curious. Just a tad bit curious.

"Come in," He ordered when he heard the soft knocking. The door opened slowly causing Zayn to turn his chair around so he could see this person Louis kept showering with compliments.

"Mr Malik," the soft voice muttered gently, footsteps approaching closer to where Zayn was sitting.

"Fuck," Zayn whispered when he looked at the blonde. The off shoulder top, the mini skirt, the knee high socks, damn, it was like Zayn was on cloud 9. And for the first time ever, he was great-full to Louis cause this blonde here just made him hard under his pants and he hadn't even touched him yet.

"I'm going to have so much trouble keeping my hands to myself," Zayn muttered under his breath but smiled to the blonde. He was going to have so much fun.

AN/ DUH DUH DUH!!! New story! Yes, its going to be smutty. Ziall is hot, Niall always bottom so if you can't read this kind of thing then please leave. Let others enjoy it. But oh my god, Niall as the hot secretary is all I've ever dreamed about so there you have it, my wildest dreams into a wattpad story.

I'll be dedicating the chapters to some of the most amazing Ziall and other accounts on wattpad so feel free to check them out :)

Next update when this chapter gets 2 VOTES AND 2 COMMENTS!







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