Chapter 13

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~Georgia's POV~

Luckily, Cameron is not at school the next day, so Marcel is safe... for now.

I come to my locker, digging through it, trying to find my science book, but I am interrupted by Reela. "Georgia! Where have you been? You ran off with Marcel yesterday, and I haven't seen you in ages." she says.

I shut my locker, and grip the book tightly,"Sorry, uh, Marcel needed some help, and uh, I've been really busy lately."

Reela sighs, but then perks up, suggesting an idea,"Well the whole cheer team is having a big party after school, want to come?"

I already see the cheer team enough, and I hate them all anyway.

I fake a frown and tell her,"I have to do my science project after school with Marcel. I'm really sorry."

Reela looks at me disappointed,"It's like you don't have time for your real friends anymore. And school is already a quarter way through."

You guys were never my real friends. I only have one real friend.

I sigh, and let my shoulders droop,"I'm sorry Reela, but this science project is really important."

Reela bites the side of her lip then frankly asks,"You don't like Marcel do you?"

Oh no, not this question.

I play with my thumbs nervously and answer quickly,"No of course not, what are you talking about?" My stomach knots when I say those words.

Reeta shrugs,"I don't know, you just seem so interested in him."

I shake my head,"Well I don't even think Marcel is cute, so don't worry about it. I'd never like Marcel, never in his wildest dreams."

~Marcel's POV~

I walk down the hallyway, feeling more confident than ever. I'm dressed the way I am dressed everyday, tie, church shoes, a sweater vest, and my nerdy glasses, its just, I think that Georgia may like me, and that just boosts my confidence by a thousand. And I don't think I need to change into something I'm not for her to like me.

I'm about to walk into Science class, but my heart skips a beat, when I see Georgia by her locker with a girl named Reela.

I slowly inch towards the lockers by them, and listen intently. I usually don't eavesdrop but I want to hear what Georgia is talking about.  I pull up my glasses, and put my arm up, acting like I'm opening locker, hoping they don't notice me. I can easily hear their conversation.

 "Well the whole cheer team is having a big party after school, want to come?" Reela asks.

No Georgia, we planned going to my house.

"I have to do my science project after school with Marcel. I'm really sorry." Georgia tells her.

Relief spreads through my body, Thank you Georgia.

Reela sounds disappointed as she speaks, "It's like you don't have time for your real friends anymore. And school is already a quarter way through."

"I'm sorry Reela, but this science project is really important." Georgia says.

It is silent for a moment, but then Reela blurts out, "You don't like Marcel do you?"

My spine tingles by the sound of my name.

"No of course not, what are you talking about?" Georgia finally answers.

My heart drops into my stomach. Georgia doesn't like you Marcel. I can barely hear the rest of what they are saying, I'm so overwhelmed.

 " just seem so interested in him." Reela points out.

Georgia says the next line very straight forward, and I can hear every word perfectly,"Well I don't even think Marcel is cute, so don't worry about it. I'd never like Marcel, never in his wildest dreams."

Those words me feel like a punch right in the gut. I can't listen to anymore of this. I slump into science class, my heart hurting more than ever. I sit down in the stool, and shove my backpack to the ground, extremely angry at myself. 

How could you ever think that Georgia likes you Marcel? You are so stupid. You are such an idiot. She's Georgia Rose, the most popular girl at school. She wouldn't give you a second glance, and think about liking you. Marcel, you are so stupid. Stop making up stupid fairytales in your head, stop trying to be cool. You will never ever be with Georgia. You are just going to die alone.

My confidence level has now gone into the negative level.

I sink even lower into my stool as Georgia walks in the room, straightening her dress, and smiling. She see's me and smiles deeper, saying hello as she sits down across from me. "H-hello." I mutter, reaching into my pocket. Georgia sets her backpack down and looks at me concerned, "Marcel, are you alright?"

No, you just crushed my insides.

I nod,"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I look down at the piece of paper that was in my pocket, and it makes me angry. I crunch it into my fist, never wanting to see it again. You'd never be able to guess that it read, Will you go to Prom with me? after I finished ripping it.  And I never comprehended that a broken heart would hurt this bad.


Sorry that I don't update more than once a day sometimes. I don't always have access to my computer, but I make it a must to update once a day. Thanks again for reading! Love you all!~SunDanielle

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