Punk (ish) Sollux x Reader

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Great, just my luck, I'm supposed to be working on a project for DIM (Digital Midia) but I don't understand these instructions.

Oh, and it doesn't help the teacher is talking to the seniors; who barged in and took over, about Donald Trump. Man what a year to be alive.

I sighed and glared at the screen, (bbf) had given up and started playing games on her phone. Maybe I should do the same?

There was a loud smack and I turned my chair completely around only to have a troll tumble on top of me. He gripped the desk to keep himself from squishing me completely.

My cheeks burned... it was Sollux Captor... best hacker and hot af punk..

"Thorry..." The guys laughed at the situation, and my blush reddened. Especially since (bff) thought it would be a great idea to make calls such as "GET some (y/n)!"

Sollux's cheeks became dusted with a light yellow, the glasses he wore not Giddings the fact that he was blushing. He moved back realizing that he had been on me for to long, and all his friends had gotten over it and continued at the conversation they previously had.

Sollux cleared his throat and looked over my shoulder "tho... uh, what are ya doing?" I explained the project and he simply chuckled "oh, come on thith ith eathy!" He walked of and rolled a chair over towards me.

"What are you doing?.." he smirked and sat down next to me, leaning in to whisper "a cute like you." He moved back and pointed a finger at the Internet icon "go and choothe a picture."

I nodded and typed in Donald Trump, cause god, they are talking about it so loudly.

Sollux chuckled softly, as I chose the funniest picture I could find "alright, now open photo shop." I opened it and pulled up the picture to it "now uthe the latho tool and underline any part." I went over trumps hair and he chuckled.

He put his hands on my keyboard, ghosting over crt. C and V "now, open layerth and I'll make a copy by pressing crt, C and V." I nodded and opened it up while he did as promised " click the original picture, not the copy, then go to Enhanthe and remove color" I did as told and everything went black and white except for his hair.

I smiled, wow.. "That was easy.." he chuckled and leaned back nodding "honestly, thhe makes thigth to complicated and wordy."

I looked up at him and nodded, looking at his features, he really was handsome..and, kinda nice..

He glanced at me and smirked, his snake bites matching his face perfectly, it fit him.

He cleared his throat and offered me a pice of papper "how about I take you to lunch?" Omg, this is his number. And he's asking me out!? "Th-that sounds great... thanks.." His smirk widdend "no problem (y/n)" I shivered, the way he said my name... it made me want to melt into a pool.

"Well I got to go, bellth about to ring. But I can count on a call from you righth?" I nodded quickly "thweet. Bey."


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