♋️Karkat♋️ x Reader Movie Night

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Today happened to be Karkat's birthday, or what he called 'the day I go to war with these ass fuckers'

  I smiled as I knocked on the door "WHO THE FUCK IS IT?" I rolled my eyes and replied "it's (Y/N) can you let me I'm?" There was silence before locks where heard "YOU ALONE?" "Yes, you Baka just let me in!" There was one more lock, before the door flew open revealing the short nubby horned troll.

  He shifted slightly, his cheeks was a slight candy red "DID YOU BRING THE STUFF, FUCK ASS?" I held up the bag of movies and snickered softly "the drugs? No, but the movies, yes." He rolled his eyes, before moving to the side "come on in.." Nodding, I strode into his house with a smile.

"So birthday boy, what's first? Grease or the decoy bride?" Karkat gently grabbed the bag, carful not to scratch me with his velociraptor like claws.

Then took my hand with his free one, leading me to the couch and soon sitting me down. "I'll put in the movie, it's gonna be something a little...different." He said gently, laying the bag next to me then shuffling for the DVD player.

"Karkat I swear, if it's Fifty Shades Of Grey-" Karkat turned to me with a flushed face "ITS FUCKING NOT!" He screeched, while dropping a disk, causing me to laugh aloud.

Karkat turned a dark shade (if even possible) "SHUT IT YOU FUCK!" I chuckled softly, as he put the disk in carefully.

Karkat walked over and plopped down, his blush calming slightly as music played and the movie began. Karkat shifted slightly, before wrapping an arm around my shoulders with a dark blush.

I raised a brow, but decided to ignore this action.

I glanced at Karkat to see him engulfed in the romance movie, it's a little awkward to say this but I have what trolls call, a flush crush on him.

He was just different, in a good way! He's really sweet when you get to know him, but he will still cuss you out.

I smiled and restrained my self from running my fingers though his crazy hair. His red eyes watched the screen with interest until the kissing scrabble came on, karkat quickly glanced at me before turning a light shade and mumbling something

"What was that" karkat stayed silence, turning his gaze grime me to the screen then back to me "FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK

Karkat slammed his lips against mine, they were slightly rough, but who cares!? My flush crush is kissing me!!! KISS BACK (Y/N)!!!

I quickly kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Karkat let out a groan of relief as he gently placed his hands on my hips to bring me closer.

The small horned troll pulled away and later his head against mine panting slightly "flushed for you (y/n).." He whispered "flushed for you too karkitty, happy birthday" he huffed, as an agitated expression reached his face, but it soon changed to a soft one "shut the hell up..."

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