Jake x Reader x Dirk City Of Love (part 1)

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(A/n) hello! This might be a more than one chapter thing I donno.. It might be three or four, Depends. Any who~ enjoy the story!

Jake English. Everybody knew him, and every girl wanted him. With his cute British accent, messy black hair and hypnotizing bright green eyes, it would only make sense that he was a lady's man.

I don't know how it happened, but I (Y/N) (L/N) have fallen for pretty boy English. But then again who wouldn't? He was a gentleman! And he was very attractive.

Letting out a sigh, I picked up my bag and shoved some books in my locker. The teachers told us to put up our shit, today french class we are going to Paris. Aka the city of love.

Oh joy.

Ok deep down I was a little exited. Maybe Jake and I could get to know each other a little better and perhaps turn into more than just aquantinces. Yeah... That'd be nice, but it won't happen.

  Everyone scurried for the buss while carrying duffle bags, meanwhile I carried two Walmart bags with cloths. You know you're classy when.

  I climbed aboard the buss and sat by Vriska
"Hey Vriska" she turned her head and did the sup nod "sup (Y/N)? You exited for the field trip?" I shook my head and she chuckled "hey, don't worry about it! If shit hits the fan I got yo back." I smiled and laughed along with the spider girl.

  People always called Vriska a bitch. That's only cause they have yet to see the real her, she can be a bitch at times but she means well.
~~~time skip~~~~

  There was a gentle tap on my shoulder "wake up! We can get down and get snacks now... Can I barrow some money? Oh wait never mind I think I can steal that guys wallet. Be right back."I rolled my eyes ad got down from the buss to take a potty brake.

I arrived back into the buss only to see Vriska was sitting with Terazi with a 'please help me (y/n)' look on her face. A smile reached my features, as I chuckled softly deciding to sit in an empty seat for now.

I whipped out my phone and plugged in my music, but before I could press play Jake appeared out of no where "is... Uh this seat taken?" Heat made it's way to my cheeks, as I shook my head 'no' "jolly good! Mind if I sit here?" I nodded and scooted slightly, as he plopped down next to me digging through his plastic bag, pulling out a bottled water and some sour gummy worms.

Jake took as sip of his drink, then popped a gummy worm into his mouth.

Gog my face is so hot! I looked down at my phone and pushed play on my music, lowering down the volume just in case he started to talk to me, or something. It's gonna be a long week.

Homestuck x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now