Jake x Reader x Dirk City of love (part 3)

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I yawned softly and looked at the two sleeping boys. Dirk was currently cuddling his puppet lil cal, while Jake slept on my shoulder.

Dirk shifted then sat up quickly, lil cal disappearing from his arms. How the fuck?..

"Dirk?" He mumbled a "there's a disturbance in the forc-" he turned to me and frowned "are you comfortable?" I would have shrugged, but Jake's head kept me from doing so "umm... I donno.." He laid back and rested his head in my shoulder "wha-" "shh just let it happen, It's not everyday a Strider rest their head on someone." I rolled my eyes and laid my head back.

"Hey, (y/n)?" I hummed softly and Dirk proceeded with his question. "Do you like anyone?" "I think everyone likes someone." Dirk shifted and stayed quiet.

My eyes began to feel heavy, as Jake mumbled out some French words and snuggled closer.

Dirk huffed and puffed out a cheek, as his arms warped around my waist. he's so cute.. Wait. No, you don't like Dirk! You can't like two people at once! Can you!?

Jake grumbled and did the same, I can practically feel Dirks anger. Wait a minute.. Is Dirk jealous? OMFG. He is!! But why? Is it cause he likes me? Or is he scared Jake might take his place? Ok. It's most likely the last one, there's no way a stud like him will Like like me.Ugh, I need some rest.

I laid my head on Dirks and wrapped my arm around Jake. Dirk sighed, as did Jake and I was soon able to fall into a somewhat peaceful sleep.

~~~time skip to being back in some bus~~~

We were currently headed to the apartments, and Nepeta won't stop talking about Dirk, Jake and I. I love her, but gosh.

"Alright class I want you two draw sticks from this cup, if you and someone else have the same number you are hotel buddy's." "This sounds like a bad porno." Dirk mumbled.

The cup eventually made it to the back "HELL YEAH! 8" Vriska cheered "what did mew get?" Nepeta asked "two, you?" "Furr."

Once we arrived everyone began to look for there rooming buddy's "two? Anyone have a two?" "I do! If you know what I mean." Sollux said wiggling his brows, Aradia slapped the back of his head and he apologized.

"Oh, um I guess we're rooming buddy's huh love?" Oh gog. Oh gog. I looked up and Jake rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

"Great!" Gog my face. I probably look like a tomato. I most Likely look like a tomato..

We walked into are hotel and put our things away, once we both finished we walked out of the room "so... Wanna go around the block?" I smiled and nodded "splendid!" Jake grabbed my head and ran outside

It was beautiful, but the people were assholes. (I'm sorry in I offend anyone with this!)

Eventually Jake and I found a little garden, in which we explored.

Jake chuckled softly and collapsed to the ground with a smile "incroyable." I smiled and laid next to him, nodding in agrement.

"Hey, luv.. Do you um.. Like anyone?" Again with this question? "Yeah, I do." Jake perked up "umm my I know who?" Oh, sure! It's not like I like you and Dirk! Totally not weird at all!

"Nope" Jake pouted "aww, come on!" I giggled and shook my head standing up then offering my hand to help me up "welp, come on. Let's head back." Jake took my hand and stood gently placing a kiss on it.


I blushed and Jake chuckled softly as we walked back to the hotel.

Today is best day.

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