Vampire!Dave x Reader

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              The Vampires mate

My heart raced as I tried my best to stay hidden, but damn was it no use.

I knew he knew where I was, why is this Vampire messing with me!? This isn't a fucking game! So why!?

There was a deep chuckle and arms wrapped around me "miss me? Hope I wasn't gone long, oh? Trying to escape, are we?" My heart leaped.

"Now, now, we can't have you leaving me. Now can we?" My blood ran cold as his fingers trailed down my arms, tickling them slightly.

I knew exactly what he'd do next.

He intertwined our hands and leaned in closer to my neck, trailing his lips up to his favorite place to bite.

I shivered and he chuckled lightly, but what came next surprised me.. He was kissing my neck, occasionally running his tongue against the scares he had left, from previous bites.

He gently ran his fangs against my neck, then bit.

I whimpered and he held me closer, and cradled my head, something that was a little unusual.

He pulled away and, stared at me, Blood ran down his lips and dripped down from his chin.

The blond pulled me in and kissed the bite before mumbling "don't ever leave again.." This is so confusing.

He pulled away, wiped his mouth and pulled me in for a rough kiss. Sure, it was rough, but the butterflies and the feeling I got from it was amazing.

He pulled away and smirked "Strider. Dave, Strider." Wow, I've been under his control for a month. And now he introduces himself?

He already knew my name, so there was no point in introducing, but I was still speechless. What should I say to him..?

  I nodded and he chuckled, he absolutely loved it when he was the reason I was speechless.

  He smirked lightly and stared at me "how about, we go out or do something. So your not cooped up in here every day/night."

  Is he fucking with me?

  "R-really?" He nodded, his hands set on my hips "and maybe, once we get back we can have a little fun."

  Oh gog!

  He laughed his pale cheeks brighting slightly "that look! I'm just kidding babe! Oh lord of apple juice!" He put a hand on his chest and sighed.

  He snickered, but smiling.. Something I've never really seen before.. It was nice.

  He offered his hand, that smile lighting his features "so, my mate. You up for it?" His red eyes shimmered behind his shades.

  "Wait mate!?" He smirked "you didn't think I was sucking your blood and keeping you alive while I went searching for more victims for nothing did you? Honestly.." Dave shook his head and smiled "all the times I bit you, I was actually marking you.."

  He pulled me in and smirked "so now, you are mine. Lucky you. You get all this man meat~"

  Oh gog.

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