Chapter Twenty-One

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Blossom and Brick stopped moving and Brick bit his bottom lip as he stared into her pink eyes. He lifted up his hands and grabbed his mask, and his eyes never left hers.

"Don't." Blossom said as she wrapped his hands around his and the music stopped, the people clapped and the curtains dropped.

"Why not?" Brick asked as Blossom let go of his wrist and looked down at her feet.

"I can't lose you." Blossom whispered as Brick smiled and cupped her face and lifted her up to face him.

"You won't lose me," Brick said as Blossom smiled. "I promise you won't." Brick finished as he kissed her forehead and let go of her cheeks.

The pair walked off the stage so the next dance pair can do their thing and Brick sighed as he took off the beanie and mask, and he looked at Blossom. She smiled and he sighed as he walked back in the dressing room and changed into her skinny jeans and slipping on his red shirt then his leather jacket. He slipped on his cap and walked out, seeing Blossom was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a light pink shirt with a brown coat wrapped around her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Brick asked her as she turned with a sad face.

"If my father finds you here, then we won't be able to be near each other." Blossom said as Brick sighed and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead and started to sway them side to side.

"He won't find me," Brick said as Blossom buried her head in his chest. "So I'm not going to leave your side." Brick said as he lifted Blossom's face towards his and started to lean down.

"You will be leaving her side, because you're going to jail." He heard a voice say as they let each other and Brick groaned.

"Can't you wait to say your things before we kiss, Pops?" Brick asked with a small smirk as her father glared and turned a bright red from anger.

"Stay away from my daughter!" He yelled as he grabbed Blossom and dragged her away from Brick.

"Daddy stop it!" Blossom exclaimed as she pushed herself away from her father.

"No Blossom Marie Smith, now is not the time to act like him." He hissed as Brick glared and grabbed Blossom and placed her behind him.

"I am a fucking person!" Brick yelled as her father laughed and they heard sirens coming their way. Brick chewed his bottom lip before turning towards Blossom and grabbing her by her shoulders.

"Run away with me." Brick said as Blossom widened her eyes.

"What?" Blossom asked as Brick nodded at her.

"Run away with me," Brick said once more as he grabbed her hand. "We can be free and won't have to worry about stress or being perfect." Brick said as Blossom looked at her family then back at Brick.

"Okay." Blossom said as they laced their hands and ran out towards Butch's motorcycle and Blossom's father followed them out the door.

"I will find you!" He yelled as Brick placed a helmet on Blossom then both climbing on the motorcycle. "And it won't be pretty whenever I find you!" He yelled as Brick looked back at him with glaring red eyes and the sirens was coming closer.

"Hope you live with regret." Brick hissed as he turned on the motorcycle and speed down the road as he felt Blossom's arms wrapped around his waist.

For the first time Brick actually felt free, he was feeling every emotion with pride and happiness. And he had the one person who cared about him and will show him how to life and love. And she only did one thing that no one would ever do.

Dancing with the Devil.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks??? Sorries for being lates and giving you such a short chapter, but I wills give y'alls the best epilouge ever!! So this is the offical last chapter, what do we think???? 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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