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"Just take my hand." Brick whispered as he grabbed Blossom's waist who chuckled and rolled her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she laid her head on his chest. The music played in the background.

There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go and no place to call home

"I remember when we first met." Brick said as he tucked his chin over her head.

"You do?" Blossom asked as Brick nodded.

"Yeah," Brick said with a slight smile. "We had a little dance battle." He said as the couple laughed.

My only friend was the man in the moon, even sometimes he would go away too.

"Did you have any friends growing up?" Blossom asked as Brick chewed his bottom lip and closed his red eyes.

"No," Brick said as he sadly smiled. "Unless you count my brothers." Brick said as Blossom wrapped her arms tighter and sighed as she heard Brick's breath became uneven.

Then one night, as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow flying high

"You're my friend." Brick whispered as Blossom smiled in his chest.

"I'm glad." She said as Brick chuckled a bit.

"You saved me," Brick said as a tear slipped from his face.

He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for a while

"How?" She asked as Brick smiled.

"Because you spoke to me." He answered.

He said, Peter Pan that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely, and ever since that day

"I don't regret it." Blossom said as Brick smiled and hugged her tighter and Blossom just smiled.

I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan. And when we're bored we'll play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook.

"I remember the day my parents split up," Brick said as Blossom pulled her face away from his chest and looked up towards him. "I felt pain and so much tears came out of my eyes. I remember feeling like I wanted to run away but I needed to be there for my brothers, but when I met you everything fell into place." Brick said as Blossom kissed his nose and Brick smiled.

Run run lost boy, they say to me, away from all the reality. Neverland is home to lost boys like me, and lost boys like me are free

"But my father." Blossom said as Brick frowned and looked down at his feet.

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe, believe in him and believe in me.

"He never kept us apart." Brick said as Blossom smiled and nodded.

"He didn't." She replied as Brick smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around her.

Together we will fly away to the cloud of green, to your beautiful destiny

"You know running away with you is a dream come true." Blossom said as Brick smirked and looked down at her.

"You think?" He asked as she nodded for a yes.

As we soar above the town that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family, Soon enough we reach Neverland, Peacefully my feet hit the ground sand, ever since that day

"Going town to town made me realize," Blossom said as Brick hummed in response. "That your my safe heaven." Blossom said as Brick chuckled and shook his head.

I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan, and when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook

"Do you think my father will try to find us?" Blossom asked as Brick sighed and shook his head.

"No," He started off. "Because he won't look in the right places." He answered as Blossom smiled and they stopped swaying and keep their eyes locked together.

Run run lost boy, they say to me, away from all the reality. Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling, even Captain Hook you're my perfect story book. Neverland I love you so, you are now my home sweet home. Forever a lost boy at last, and always I will forever say

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling, even Captain Hook you're my perfect story book. Neverland I love you so, you are now my home sweet home. Forever a lost boy at last, and always I will forever say

"I think you're perfect." Blossom said as Brick smiled and laughed.

"Why do you think that?" He asked her.

I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan, and when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook

"Because you're fighting all those battles," Blossom said as Brick opened his mouth but Blossom shook her head. "You remind me of Peter Pan in a way. You wanted to run away but instead with your brothers and your keeping them happy, like Peter Pan done with the lost boys." Blossom said as Brick smiled and laughed as she smiled.

Run run lost boy, they say to me, away from all the reality. Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free

"But Peter Pan did run away." Brick said as Blossom shrugged.

"So?" She asked as Brick snorted.

"So I'm not like him." Brick replied as Blossom nodded.

"Your keeping the lost boys happy, and you showed me what Neverland is." She said as Brick raised his eyebrow over at her.

Neverland is home to lost boys like me, and lost boys like me are free

"Yes you are." Blossom said as she cupped his face. "You're my Peter Pan, and your motorcycle is our pixie dust, and Neverland is wherever we feel is right." Blossom said as Brick smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Then your my Wendy Darlin." He replied as Blossom giggled and nodded.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks?? It's finally overs! I'm crying over heres! Wells tells me your thoughtS??? Also the song above is Lost Boy by Ruth B, so be sure to check out the song!! Wells DWTD is over but I am posting a new Blossick book called Kitten! So please read it if you like!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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