Chapter Nine

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Have you ever had dreams, where you couldn't wake up? Where you was stuck in them, crying to get out? Sometimes the dreams are good where you don't want to leave them, you want to stay and be happy. But not all dreams stay, some leave others just disappear from your sight.

For Blossom, she doesn't want to dream you could say. She wants to be someone that no one knows about, and just be unknown from the world. Since she always been known and she would love be just left alone from her parents but that rather impossible.

But as she sat in the dance hall, not caring if she's late to call her parents, she knew that they was at some meeting and won't be able to pick her up. She was debating whenever to stay the night at the studio since she has extra clothes.

"Why are you still here?" Brick asked as Blossom looked over and saw he had his jump suit off, and was wearing a pair of black joggers and some kind of red muscle t-shirt, and his cap was placed on his long orange hair.

"None of your business." Blossom said as Brick sighed and walked over and sat next to her and she sighed as they just listened to each other breathing.

Blossom brought her knees to her chest and closed her pink eyes, not bothered by Brick's humming, since it was soothing from always being in a quiet house. Since growing up, Blossom never really had gotten in trouble or even been talkative child. Sure she would talk with her friends but never to the extreme of going overboard at her house.

Sure this was normal for certain teenagers, and normal for them to talk their heads off. But being from strict parents and listening to nothing but classic or her sisters singing, it gets rather boring in her house.

But with Brick humming, she was learning more things about noise or even a normal teenage things.

"What's that song." Blossom asked as Brick looked over at her with a confused face, and Blossom just kept her eyes closed and Brick sighed as he tugged at his pant legs.

"Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides." Brick said as Blossom nodded, and she wanted to hear more of his humming but scared to ask.

"Ok." Blossom replied as she placed her head on her knees, and Brick nodded and hummed another song, and she smiled slightly.

Sure they wasn't talking, but Blossom was seeing another side of Brick, one who didn't annoy her. Or the one who bug her about her knee, she was seeing the calm side of him, which she could tell that it didn't happen often with him.

"You never heard of them?" Brick finally asked as Blossom picked up her head and looked over at him.

"No." Blossom said as she shook her head.

"What are you, Patrick who lives under a rock?" Brick asked as Blossom glared over at him. "Wait I'm guessing you listen to One Direction or Ariana Grande." Brick said as Blossom raised her eyebrow at the names and finally shook her head.

"Who are they?" Blossom asked as Brick jaw dropped and he sighed as he leaned his head against the wall and closed his red eyes.

"Okay you are Patrick." Brick said as Blossom rolled her eyes and placed her head back on her knees, and the two just listened to each other breathing.

"Their singers." Brick saidas Blossom looked up and she turned towards him.

"Huh?" Blossom asked as Brick sighed and looked over at her.

"Their singers, One Direction, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, and Nick Jonas." Brick said as Blossom looked over at him and shook her head as Brick sighed and stood up. He brushed off his joggers and looked over at her with his hand sticking out.

Dancing With The Devil (Blossick AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt