Chapter Eight

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You know whenever you want your parents to be so proud of you, and just don't want to let them down. You're scared that their never trust you or even love you. Or just plain need that hug from them and know that you're fine and everything is okay as long your try.

But then there's the kids who don't get love or even any trust since their parents go by what they done as a teenager or even as a child logic. Then there's the fights and yelling, the rude talk. Not doing what you're told and even just your attitude.

Eveeryone knows that teenagres are gonna act different. Eat more, sleep a lot or don't even sleep, or just plain always on that phone. Or even going through the dark ages, what do I mean by the dark ages? I mean pimples, zits, mood swings, yeah you get the point, hopefully.

Sometimes Blossom feels like she never got to feel like teenager. She just goes by what her mother and father says, but doesn't believe in what they say. They believe in that no such thing as freedom or she will believes that there it is. They believe that you only can hang out with certain people while she believes that it doesn't matter.

Which is why she sees the good in people. She sees everyone equal. Homosexuals, hertersexuals, genger fluids, bisexuals and even people who do drugs. She thinks that your own person and no one should ever tell you who you should be, but she is being very hypocritical about that. Since she does what her parents say. She lets them tell her who she wants to be.

Brick is just different. He didn't really know what love was since seeing his parents falling out of love. So he tends to not see in ways that Blossom does. While Blossom sees the light, he sees the dark. She sees the good, he sees the bad. She sees the water, he sees the fire. They was yin and yang you could say, but even yin and yang are meant to be. Since they complete each other.

But they was dancing at the same beat, you could say. They both needed that push to get them out of the bland world they live in. To make Blossom her own person, to make Brick finally believe in love again. But not everything is so easy, cause you have to start seeing things from another pair of eyes.

Blossom would love to tell her parents no, Brick would love to tell his parents love each other again. But they just couldn't. They both was afraid of being hurt, or even just afraid of themselves. Brick would talk smack to relief his stress, Blossom would get lost in the thought to relieve her stress.

Everyone has their different causes for stress. Such as parents, school, jobs, siblings, or simply themselves. Sometimes people tend to become someone who they're not just for other ideas to get rid of their stress. Sometimes we even take it out on other people, hoping that'll see that you need help or just a simple hug from them will help everything.

When Brick's parents split. He remembers that Boomer was crying, and Butch was very angry and trashing everything near him. Brick just stood there, holding onto his pants, because he didn't know what was going through him.

Anger? Sadness? Numb? Or just plain nothing. He couldn't really pin it, but he knew that he just stared at the walls for weeks, till he finally started to get control of his brothers and made them even more calmer about the whole situation, but he still doesn't forgive his parents.

Cause he believes that you should try to solve the problem, before actually thinking about the divorce. He knew that his parents was fighting, since he heard them in his sleep, and when they was eating they would throw words at each other, while they would eat and pretending that this wasn't happening, but Brick knew that they couldn't ignore the problem forever.

Blossom knew that her parents would never fight, since they was the picture perfect couple, but she knew that they would want everything perfect for their daughters. Perfect grades, diets, even life. Just trying to give them everything that they didn't have, but Blossom would be fine with a book and some sweets along with a pat on a back.

She knew that if she quit dancing, then her parents would be upset knowing that she'll never make that up, but she could try. Blossom also knew that her parents wasn't into their children dating, since they thought it was a waste of time.

They knew that dating was very important for a teenager, trying to get the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. Or just wanting that person who they could trust, and love til they die since they was to scared to even lose that person.

Whenever the two redheads met, they finally found another way to relieve their stress. Brick always throwing rude comments towards Blossom, and Blossom just rolling her eyes trying to ignore the red headed boy, but that was rather impossible sicme Brick would always pester with her knee, but she knew that it wasn't okay but she didn't want to disappoint her parents, so she just keeps pushing it past the limit.

"You know, that knee will snap." Brick said as he placed the mop against the wall and looked over at Blossom, who was huffing over towards him.

"Will you just leave me alone about my knee?" Blossom asked as she placed her hands on her hips as Brick chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope, cause once it;snaps then I'll feel it's my fault for not helping you." Brick said as Blossom rolled her eyes.

"Why would you care? You're a punk, nothing more or less." Blossom said as Brick laughed and rolled his eyes as he looked over at her.

"You know having three tattoos doesn't classify me as a punk, right?" Brick asked as Blossom sighed and looked over at him.

"Look I don't know why you're here, but I wish you would just leave me alone." Blossom said as Brick laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Funny, you know that my mom offered you a ride, and I didn't want you in there but I couldn't just shove you out the car! Besides why are you even in dance class? You seem like you hate it." Brick stated as Blossom rolled her eyes and blew her bangs from her face and sighed as she rubbed her temples and looked over at him.

"It's none of your business." Blossom snapped as Brick smirked.

"Well well Princess." Brick said as he grabbed the mop and walked away as Blossom stood there, looking at him.

Now the two would bicker till the world ends, but somehow all that bickering can change their feelings towards each other. Good or bad ways.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!

What we thinks????? Brick??? Blossom???? Does anything that I typed up top relates to you?? Cause it does for me!! Well tells me your thoughts!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dancing With The Devil (Blossick AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें