Chapter Seven

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"Brick honey!" Bellum yelled as she pulled up, she saw Brick had his headphones on bobbing his head to whatever he was listening too. She sighed and got out, she saw some girl was sitting on the bench and she walked over.

"Hello? Are you waiting for you parents?" She asked as the girl looked up, her pin keyes stared into her red ones.

"Yeah, but I guess there at a meeting." She said with her face dropped. Bellum placed her hand over her chest and placed the other on her shoulder.

"I could drop you off, if you like?" Bellum asked as the girls eyes brighten and slowly nodded. Bellum smiled and motioned her to follow her and saw Brick was walking over towards the car.

"How far away is your house?" Bellum asked as the girl looked out in the road and started to count.

"Just about half a mile." She said as Bellum nodded and she opened the door for her. The girl sat in the back and Brick widened his eyes as he met a pair of pink eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Just tell me the way." Bellum said with a sweet smile, and Brick keep staring at her as she lead the way.

Brick didn't want to be seen as a creep, but she was in his car. Not that he hated her, he just wanted to know why? She was so preppy while he was more into the punk type and Brick finally took his eyes off of her and went to his music list and clicked on 'Rebel Love Song' by Black Veil Brides.

As they went to Blossom's house, Brick widened his eyes at the size. It must be at least three stories, and saw Blossom thanked his mom and walked outside. Brick chewed the inside of his lip and saw she walked inside and Brick turned towards his mother as she smiled at him.

"Do you know her? She seems nice." Bellum said as she drove away and Brick rolled his eyes.

"Nce my ass. Mom! She's some snob who goes to that stupid ass school!" Brick yelled as Bellum hit his arm.

"No more cussing Brick Thomas Jojo! Also not everyone is a snob that goes to that school." Bellum said as Brick rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Think again." Brick muttered as he pulled his cap over his eyes and turned up his music louder.

Blossom walked inside her home and she set her bag on the rocking chair and slipped off her flats. She sighed and walked over to the kitchen and saw her sister sitting at the table humming to herself.

"Where's mom and dad?" Blossom asked as she opened the fridge dinging something to snack on.

"They going to the united states for some meeting, also they hired Maria back to watch us over the week." Kuriko said as Blossom looked over at her with wide eyes.

"Maria? But we hate her." Blossom said as her sighed and nodded.

"They said it'll be best since she enforcing rules. Also they say that you better be passing your classes and when they come back your dance better be perfect." Kuriko saida s Blossom groaned and blew her bangs from her face and turned around.

She grabbed a bottle of water and slammed the fridge and walked away listening to her sister humming once more. She walked to her room and opened the door and slammed down on the bed.

She blew out a long breath in her pillow and groaned as she flipped over on her back. She knew that she couldn't be complaining, but she doesn't like it when he's being forced into dancing. She loves dancing don't get her wrong but wouldn't you hate it if someone was trying to make you perfect in it?

Blossom knew that if she failed her parents would look bad. But the wasn't putting too much pressure on Kuriko yet. they have to wait til she's thirteen then she'll be pushed into singing lessons or dance, but Blossom knows that singing will be it. She doesn't want her sister to have the stress, but Kuriko only one friend and Blossom worried about it. Blossom ahs two who keeps her grounded from the stress.

Blossom finally turned on her radio and Selena Gomez's Same Old Love blasted and she turned to her side and grabbed her pillow and closed her eyes. She fell asleep after thinking so hard.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!

What we thinks???? Brick??? Bellum???? Blossom????? Also her parents???? Wells tells me your thoughts!! Also a new Blossick fanfiction will be posted Dec. 13th called Anxiety, so be on the look out for that!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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