Chapter Nineteen

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Brick sat on the couch, eating dinner ignoring his father judging him about his tattoos, saying he'll never get a job, and he didn't need to hear it anymore, since he always hears it whenever he goes to stores, but some do offer him some jobs since they was in need of help really badly.

Brick slammed his plate on the table and he looked at his father. His red eyes narrowed over towards him and he stomped up to his room and grabbed his wallet and grabbed his leather jacket and he looked over at Butch.

"I'm taking your bike." Brick stated as he walked out and grabbed Butch's motorcycle keys and he drove his way towards the tattoo parlor.

He needed a tattoo badly, and he didn't know how or what he's going to get. He just needed to get out of there, and feel the pain of the needle, trying to get his mind off of things. He knew he couldn't run away from his problems, but tomorrow was Saturday and he really didn't know what to do.

He was going to both things, but he was also risking his reputation. He also knew that his brothers would get very iffy if he's doing this for some girl, since they knew that Brick doesn't have crushes he tends to ignore girls since he didn't feel the need to be near them, since he was always getting tattoos.

He pulled Butch's bike in the parking lot and parked it, he grabbed the key and shoved it in his back pocket and he walked inside the shop, he nodded his head at the workers and looked over at the books, and his red eyes scanned the area.

"You don't have one of your brothers drawings?" One of the workers asked as Brick laughed and shook his head.

"This is last minute." Brick said as they nodded and Brick saw a dancer bending down to touch her toes, her long hair past her shoulders, almost touching the ground, she had some red accents but Brick wanted it to be pink, he grabbed the book and walked over towards the counter and he pointed towards the dancer.

"Instead of this red accent can we change it a light pink?" Brick as the person nodded and Brick smiled and waited for them to draw it on the special paper, and he started to think where he wanted it at.

"Where is it going?" She asked as Brick looked over at the drawing.

"Bicep." Brick answered as she nodded and brought him towards the chair and Brick sat down and she pushed up his sleeve and she started to clean the area then laying down the paper on his upper arm, Brick looked straight at the mirror and then he felt the needle pressing into his skin.

His red eyes shut, and he took a deep breathe in and listened to humming slightly to the music playing in the background and Brick let his mind go into deep thought. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to feel. He was getting a dancer tattoo, which instantly made him think about Blossom, which he knew he shouldn't have but he couldn't help himself.

She was showing him the ways of life, but having her father come in the picture, he was ruining their friendship. Brick never felt so accepted by anyone before, he knew that his brothers treat him like a person but he lived with them all his life, so they knew how he really was.

Blossom just saw past the mask he was wearing, the mask that kept him from getting hurt. He knew he shouldn't have gotten so close to Blossom, because he gotten so hurt. He knew that he wouldn't have happiness forever, but with her, his happiness was her. She was his reason why he smiled.

Which is why Brick felt so hurt whenever they couldn't hang out with each other anymore.

"All done, go check it out." She said as she handed him a mirror and Brick grabbed the mirror, his red eyes looked over at the tattoo and a smile spread across his face. He nodded at the girl and waited for her to wrap it up, and he stayed down on the chair and he grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and he looked over at the girl and they walked towards the desk and Brick handed the money he owed and walked out towards Butch's bike.

He held onto the key as he sat down on the bike. His eyes stared at the handlebars, and he huffed out, making a cloud from the cold air, he put the key in the engine and he drove off, but not home. He was driving somewhere, and the bike was making a loud noise down the proper road he was going down.

He parked in front of Blossom's house and his eyes looked over at hers. He took out the key and placed it in his back pocket as he walked up towards her house and he shoved his hands in his pockets and he stood in front of the front door.

He ran back in the yard and his eyes looked around the two story house and saw pink curtains, he smirked to himself and he ran over towards the tree, and he started to grab the lowest branches and pulled himself up. He climbed up the tree and saw Blossom sitting on her bed, with books spread across her bed, he reached his foot out on the roof and he jumped over, making some noise, which he knew that he caught some people's attention, he balanced himself on the roof and he tapped on the window, making Blossom look over.

She had black rimmed glasses framing her pale face, and her hair was in a messy bun. She widened her eyes and ran over and opening the window, having Brick crawl in and he smiled over at her.

"What are you doing here?" Blossom whispered as Brick shrugged and looked around the room.

"Just wanting to see you again, besides I had nothing else to do tonight." Brick quickly added at the end and Blossom blushed but she heard loud footsteps walking up stairs, she grabbed Brick's hand and threw him in her closet and she shut the door, just in time before her mother walked inside.

"Why is your window open? It's past your curfew." Blossom's father said as Brick had to hold in a chuckle, since it was only nine, and he saw the man walking across the room to shut the window and Blossom nodded.

"I'm sorry," Blossom said as she started to rack her brain for an excuse. "It just got stuffy in here." She lied as her father sighed and shook her head.

"Alright fine," He said as he pinched the bridge of his nose and walked over towards the her bedroom door. "Be sure that you have your dance perfected by tomorrow, I will not be embarrassed by you once more." He said as he slammed the door closed and Blossom let out a breathe of relief and heard footsteps and listened to her parents talking about something then she opened her closet door and saw Brick leaning against her wall.

"Curfew?" Brick asked as he chuckled. "At nine." Brick said as Blossom blushed and walked back to her bed and rolled her eyes and Brick walked over and sat on her chair and crossed his legs.

"Yes, I have one." Blossom said as she looked back in her textbook and Brick sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I hope you run fast." Blossom said, which caused Brick to raise his eyebrow over at her.

"How come?" Brick asked.

"Because my father will call the police." Blossom stated as Brick snorted and rolled his red eyes.

"I don't care about what your father does," Brick said as Blossom looked over at him and Brick smiled over at her. "At least I'll be near you." Brick said with a slight smile, which made Blossom blush and she laughed a little bit.

"Yeah," Blossom said with a sigh and the two redheads looked over at each other and Blossom smiled at him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Blossom asked as Brick laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I do." He answered and Blossom smiled.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks??? Brick??? Blossom??? Also a picture above of what tattoo Brick gotten!! Also there will be two more chapters!! I know, very sad because this is one of my favorite books I ever written, or even thought about, but soon as this one is finished a new Blossick book will be put out!! Called Kitten!, and I will do my best to make it perfect for you all!! Wells tells me your thoughts!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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