Chapter Fifteen

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Promises, they aren't easy. They tend to break some friendships and even relationships, but even you promise that you will clean your room before some guest come over or you will be there for someone. But promises are meant to be broken.

We're humans, people do tend to forget that. People do forget that we cry, we smile, and we not perfect. But sometimes people think that we could be Superman, doing things that so unreal in this world. Like Superman flying or Flash running at inhuman speed, we are different from everyone.

For Brick, he has never broke his brothers promises, he was always there. He was always been at their games, even if people would look at him differently, he would be there for art shows, and he didn't want to miss any of theirs birthdays. Since that was rather heartbroken that you're not there for their birthday.

Missing Boomer's sixteen birthday wouldn't be his plan, since he knew that turning sixteen was very big for certain people. And Boomer was one of those people. Boomer did deserve a sixteenth birthday, he really does but he doesn't know what to do.

Some people would call Brick some rude things if they knew that he was planning to skip Boomer's birthday, but he would be eaten alive by the guilt. But not be there for Blossom won't help his guilt either.

Yes he did promise Blossom first but you always be there for your family first, no matter what. If you life was on the line you could always count on your family for being there for you, even if you're really angry at each other.

"Brick! I think we should go see that Good Dinosaur movie for Boomer, you know that he's been dying to see it." Butch said as he grabbed his textbook from his locker and Brick nodded and looked inside his locker.

"When's the latest showing?" Brick asked as Butch shrugged.

"I don't know, all I know is that it's going to stay till Friday then it's done showing." Butch said as Brick nodded while biting his bottom lip. He looked over at his brother while leaning on the locker.

"How bad does he want to see that movie?" Brick asked with Butch staring at him with the 'are you actually serious' face.

"That's all he's been talking about, and you ask how bad he wants to see the movie." Butch said as he closed his locker and Brick laughed and closed his locker.

The two brothers walked down the hallway, with Butch talking about some things they could do for Boomer, while Brick was thinking of a way where he could do both things. He knows that if he can get both times then maybe he could make it to both things, since he has been to the dance shows and they don't last too long.

They walked over towards Boomer who was talking to Bubbles with his face brighten up. Brick chewed his bottom lip thinking of ways he could ditch the dance just for Boomer, but he didn't want to let Blossom down either.

Either way Brick's guilt would eat him alive.

Whenever Brick looks at Boomer the guilt eats him, was he seriously thinking about ditching his brothers birthday? For what, some girl who won't remember his name whenever she's done with dancing. Brick was hating himself for even considering that idea, and he wants to punch himself for thinking that.

"Okay let's go see that movie and maybe we should surprise him with a party." Brick said as Butch looked over at him and he smiled at his brother. He patted his brother's shoulder and they walked over towards Boomer.

"I'm hungry let's go to eat." Butch said as Boomer nodded. He said goodbye to Bubbles and the two brothers walked out of school and Brick grabbed Boomer's arm and faced him towards him.

"Punch me." Brick saida s Boomer raised his eyebrow and Butch looked over at him with 'what's going on with you' look.

"What?" Boomer asked as Brick put his hands behind his back.

"Punch me, I deserve and I won't hit back." Brick said as Boomer laughed and shook his head.

"Nice try Brick, but you know I won't hit you unless I'm angry." Boomer said as Brick pouted but he looked Boomer straight in the eye.

"I broke you blender by shoving some of your cooking things in it." Brick lied, well half lied, nda Boomer widened his eyes and pulled back his fist and punched Brick in the eye, causing his left eye to swell and Butch covered his mouth trying to keep his laughter in.

"You know not to touch my blender! That's off limits!" Boomer yelled as Brick smirked and nodded, feeling much better. He placed his hand over his eye and he walked out with his brothers following him.

"Brick! I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have punched you, but y-."

"Don't worry about it, I deserve it." Brick said as Butch raised his eyebrow over at him and Boomer nodded, still feeling bad.

The brothers walked down to the diner and Brick forgot about working at the dance studio for two reasons. One he was having a good time with his brothers, and two Boomer can really punch hard whenever he's angry.


Blossom looked out the door, holding onto her bag. She huffed and walked out, slamming the door with anger. She knew that Brick must be busy to miss his work day, but blowing her off is what really gotten her mad. Brick could've called and told her that he wasn't going to make it, since she's walking in the freezing cold with winter coming around.

She walked inside her house and threw her bag on the chair and stomped to her room, trying to get warm but also taking her anger out on their carpet floor. She slammed her bedroom door and fell face first on her bed and she groaned.

Blossom was stressing about this dance, since it could get her into the college of her dreams if she does well. But she knows if Brick doesn't take it seriously, she could lose this chance and her parents would look at her as a failure. That wouldn't be on Blossom's bucket list, for her parents to think of her as a failure.

If your parents think of you as a failure what do you have in life? At least that's how Blossom sees it. She always was pushed to be the best, and she believed herself to become the best. With her parents always to push her, pretty soon she started to push herself.

That's just how she grew up.

She couldn't fully blame Brick, but part of her wants to, while the other part doesn't since she did ask to soon. But who else would want to dance with a girl who's parents was pushing her into some things she doesn't want to become, or even having a sister who wants to become someone who she wants.

Blossom just always was in the spotlight in her family, but pretty soon it wouldn't just be in their spotlight. It was going to be someone else.

Heyyo Guys!!!!

I'm so sorries but being lates and having a short crappy chapter, but what we thinks??? Brick??? Boomer punching Brick??? Blossom???? Wells tells me your thoughts!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dancing With The Devil (Blossick AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon