Chapter Thirteen

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Everyone has that one thing that they don't like about themselves, whenever it's your nose to your feet. People always have that thing that they want to change, hoping that more people will like them, whatever the reason behind the thing you don't like, sometimes we never change it. Why?

Cause we're afraid of what will happen.

Afraid that if we'll change that thing, what will become of us? Like if you're overweight and you lose all that weight, what will happen? Will people see you different, or will you end up being different. Or if you change your attitude, will people change around you? Or even if you date someone who's nothing like you? Someone who different from everything you never thought of falling for?

Blossom was heartbroken whenever Brick poured out his feelings, she wasn't used to see him tell anything but the real truth. Sure he's likes to hide his feeling with tattoos and crack some jokes. Blossom just wanted to hug the life out of Brick whenever he told her the truth, but she knew that he wasn't used to pouring out his feelings, so she was take it easy.

But Brick wasn't acting the same. He always rushed home at a certain time, he was always rather quiet near her. She wouldn't say he was depressed, since he was being the same snappy him. But she knew something was going on at his house.

But right now she's going to keep calm whenever she's near him, not wanting to make him feel like he shouldn't have said anything.

"Blossom! I can't do splits, its not my thing!" Brick yelled as Blossom turned over him with her eyebrow raised.

"You haven't tried." Blossom Said as Brick sighed and fell back on the floor.

"Cause I like to keep my dick into one piece please." Brick saidas Blossom rolled her eyes and sat next to him.

"Brick, many boys do splits, and their private parts are still one." Blossom said as Brick looked over at her and waved his finger in her face.

"That's what they want you to think!" Brick exclaimed as Blossom Rolled her eyes and she stood up and held out her hand for him and he sighed as he grabbed her hand.

She pulled him up and placed his hands on her hip, and she placed her hands on his shoulders and nodded her head for him to lift her up, which he done. He spun her in the air and she lifted herself on his shoulders and done a flip, having Brick turn around grabbed her and she looked over at him.

"You know that's apart of the dance, right?" Blossom asked as Brick sat her down on the floor.

"No, I didn't know that you was trying to break your neck over my shoulders." Brick said as he crossed his arms over his chest and Blossom sighed.

"Fine I won't do that, let's just start back from the top." She said as Brick rolled his eye and placed his hands on her hips and done the moves, but freaking out whenever she would bend down low or flipping, since she could hurt herself.

"See that was easy, it wasn't hard." Blossom said as she patted on Brick's shoulder, who laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah okay." Brick grumbled as he turned to get his bag together, Blossom looked at him, pouting I might add as he started to pack his things together.

"Leaving already?" Blossom asked as Brick nodded.

"Yup, gotta leave." Brick said as he walked off and Blossom groaned as she sat down on the chair and pouted as he left the room. She sighe and started to pick at the gym shorts she was wearing and sighed as she blew her bangs from her face.

She grabbed her bag and walked out the room, turning off the lights and walked outside. she pulled on a coat and began to walk back to her house. She shoved her hands in her pockets and walked over to her porch and not really wanting to go inside.

"Blossom!" She heard Brick yelled, she turned and saw he was running her way.

"Brick? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home?" Blossom asked as Brick smirked and grabbed her hand and placed something in and kissed her cheek and ran off. Blossom smiled and blushed as she saw him running off. She looked down at her hand and opened it and saw a note. She placed it in her pocket and walked inside.

She walked in her room and grabbed the note from her pocket and sat on her bed and opened the letter. She smiled and saw messy chicken scratch writing and saw a bracelet, with a dancer charm. She giggled and took the bracelet and left the note on her bedstand and smiled as she looked at the charm.

"Beautiful." Blossom muttered as she watched the dancer move around in the air from her twisting her around. She smiled and layed down on the bed and giggled as she closed her eyes and brought the bracelet close to her chest.

Heyyo Guys!!!

So I hope its in the right order now!!! So your thoughtS??? Blossom??? Brick???? Dance charm is above/side!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Dancing With The Devil (Blossick AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora