Chapter Seventeen

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Brick always thought it would a picture perfect for him, he never knew that kissing someone would be so perfect. He never thought it could take away the stress from him, he always thought that there would be fireworks, but all he felt was guilt.

He didn't know why, he just felt guilt. But he couldn't take his lips off hers. Blossom had her arms wrapped around his neck and he had his hands on her waist and it was perfect to him, but the guilt was at the bottom of his stomach.

"Blossom?!" Blossom's father exclaimed as Blossom jumped back with her eyes widened and face redded. Brick raised his eyebrow and he looked over at her father and he looked down, but he saw his light orange eyes staring his hand, with the tattoos.

"F-father, why are you back? You wouldn't supposed to come back till Saturday." Blossom said as her father marched out and grabbed her wrist making Brick grabbed her other wrist and pulled her back.

"We gotten an earlier flight to see you, not to see kissing some criminal." He hissed as Brick flinched and let go of Blossom's wrist.

"He's not a criminal father, he's just a teenager." Blossom defended as her father snorted.

"Anyone with tattoos are criminals in my eyes." He said as he dragged Blossom out, and Blossom looked back at Brick with an 'I'm so sorry' face and Brick clenched his fist together.

"Yeah! At least I don't leave my family behind for some dumbass job!" Brick yelled as her father turned and Blossom shook her head as her father narrowed his eyes.

"What do you know about family? I have a strong feeling that you kicked out of your own home." Her father stated as Brick's red eyes gotten darker.

"No I didn't, and having tattoos doesn't mean i'm a criminal so get that straight." Brick snapped as he laughed and turned around walking Blossom out of the dance room.

"If I see you near my daughter again, I will call the police." He said as Brick face fell down some but he put back a frown on till they left the room.

Brick hands was shaking from anger and trying to hold back the tears. He was told to stay away from the person he cared about so much, the person kept showing him that he was a person also. It was like bomb just dropped on his whole world.

He wanted to scream at him and tell him that you can't command him to do anything, but whenever he said that he couldn't be near her anymore, it wasn't the greatest news to hear. He wanted to punch everything and at the same time he wanted to cry.

He fell to his knees and closed his red eyes and kept his mouth in a tight line. Tears streamed down his face, but he made no noise. He kept quiet and let the tears falling down his cheeks, keeping back his choke sobs.

Brick didn't want to cry, matter of fact he never wanted to fall for her anyway. He never wanted to like her as a friend nor as a person. He wanted to keep hating her, but it was so hard to hate whenever she was the light of his life. It was hard to hate someone who you depended on so much.

It was like his other half was ripped away from him.

He never wanted to get close to her, he would love to start it all over. Never tell his brothers to trash something that night, to just hang out at the movie theater. So he wouldn't have to worry about losing a friend, but Brick would feel even worst if he never meet her.

It all was crashing down on Brick. Every emotion, every single had a story falling down his face. One was from his parents splitting up, another was all the fights he had with his father, another was every single guilt he had in the bottom of his stomach, then the final ones was losing Blossom.

Then Brick realized, he loved Blossom. She was his sunshine, was his only source of happiness. She was her safe haven. Whenever she puts her arms around him, Brick feels likes he's home. Brick knew that this wasn't safe feeling for him, but he can't help to admit that he was in love with Blossom.

Even if he didn't want to be.


Blossom was sitting in the backseat, staring down at her hands. She was silently crying and she didn't want to say anything to her father. He had no right to control her life, he wasn't there most of it, which was many of the reasons why Blossom didn't know what to say.

Seeing Brick break down in front of hre, two times, caused her heart break whenever her father said they couldn't see each other anymore. She was angry at her father while being upset with herself for not saying anything else.

Brick literally crumbled right in front of her, and she didn't stop her father from doing anymore damage. She was blaming herself for everything, Blossom knew that falling for him wasn't the plan. It should just been about dancing, that;s it.

She was regretting ever saying yes to dancing at that school. She should've stuck with playing the piano, not going dancing. But meeting Brick opened her eyes to everything, seeing that anything is special, even the most broken ones.

"You shouldn't have spoken to him like that." Blossom said as her father looked at her through the mirror.

"Excuse me?" Her father asked as Blossom looked up from her hands.

"You shouldn't have spoken to him like that," Blossom Said as her father glared at her. "He's not the most emotionally stable person right now." Blossom stated as her father rolled his eyes and looked back at the road.

"You're a child, you do not speak to me like that." Her father said as Blossom licked her lips.

"You're the one who's acting like a child." Blossom muttered as her father tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

"Don't talk to me like that," Her father hissed as Blossom gulped. "I have given you everything you needed! Clothes, food, shelter and this is how you repay me?! By hanging out with some criminal?" He yelled as Blossom flinched.

"He's not a criminal! He's a human being!" Blossom Yelled as her father popped her and Blossom covered her mouth and stared over at him with wide eyes.

"Do not yell at me again, now shut up and wait till we get home. Your mother will be informed about your behavior." Her father said as Blossom looked down at her hands with tears forming in her eyes.

"And I am serious about you seeing him again, if he's anywhere near you, I will call the police." Her father said, thus making her tears fall down.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks??? Sorries for being lates but tells me your thoughts!! Blossom??? Brick??? Blossom's father??? 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dancing With The Devil (Blossick AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz