Chapter Fourteen

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Sometimes people think that we're place on the world for a purpose, some people think that we're just placed on the world for the heck of it. Some people are doubters that God even exists or the Devil even roams the Earth.

But some way or another we always believe in something.

For Brick believes in spirit things, but he tends not to say that outloud. He would love to go back whenever he was child believing in his dreams and never thinking about pain, that was until he was ten whenever his parents split up.

He could've screamed and cry but instead he stayed still, being numb while watching his brothers losing it. But he stepped up and told his brothers to calm down, but losing himself in the process. He remembers everything that he done that wasn't right.

Like getting a tattoo, which his first one was the snake on his finger. Or whenever he gotten his nose pierced, which wasn't on anymore since he was tired of people staring at it, since it did look like the bull ring, and changing his whole look.

But whenever he bet Blossom, for some reason she didn't judge him out loud like the others, since he thinks that she judged him from her thoughts, but she was the first person who actually talked to him like a normal person, besides his brothers. But Brick always knew that his brothers would treat him like a normal human, since they understood why he was acting out so much.

"Brick what are you thinking about?" Boomer asked as Brick looked up from his plate and looked over at his blonde brother.

"Just about my tattoo." Brick said as he nodded over towards his skull tattoo and Boomer looked over with a smile.

"That's my drawing, that won the art competition." Boomer said as Brick nodded with a smile.

"Good morning sons!" Thier father, Mojo, exclaimed causing Brick smile to fall and he stared at his food with an anger expression, and Butch cleared his throat and stood up.

"What's up pops, I think we'll be going to school." Butch said as Boomer nodded. Brick was the first one to walk out the room and he shoved on his black combat boots and he grabbed his bag and walked out the house.

His brothers caught up with him and Brick didn't care what they was going to say, since they was closer to their father then Brick was. So they wouldn't understand why he couldn't stand being in the same room with him.

They walked towards school and Brick walked over towards his locker with his brothers talking about they wanted to go out this Saturday and Brick was ready. Since he haven't hung out with his brothers in a long time and he was just ready to hang out with them and it's also Boomer's birthday.

"So I think we should just sneak in the movie theater." Brick said as Boomer raised his eyebrow over at Brick.

"How are we going to do that?" Boomer asked as Brick laughed and wrapped his arms around his brothers as they walked down the hall.

"My brothers trust you older brother Brick, I have mad skills. Just bring a flashlight." Brick said as Boomer and Butch looked over at each other and Butch just shrugged while Boomer bit his bottom lip and noded as they walked in their classroom.

"I promise this Saturday will be the best birthday youi'll ever had before Boomer." Brick said as Boomer smiled at his brother and the three just sat in their seats.


"Blossom! You're late! We're going to get in so much trouble!" Her sister yelled as she jumped on her. Blossom widened her eyes and looked over at her clock and yelped as she pushed off Kuriko and she ran over towards her closet.

She put on a pair of black shorts, that stop at mid thigh, and grabbed her red tank top and placed on her black jacket. She brushed her hair, while using the other hand for putting on her degree, and she ran over to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She put her hair in a ponytail and put her red bow on and ran back to her bedroom and slipped on her socks and put on her black high wedges.

She ran out of her room and saw her sister was holding her bag, she thanked her and the two sisters ran out the house, towards the car. Blossom jumped in and her sister slide in in the back. Blossom pushed the button and she drove down towards her sisters school, which wasn't far from hers. She drove to hers and locked the doors and closed them she checked to make sure the code from the side door was covered and she ran in school.

Blossom ran into her classroom, before having the door shut and she let out a breath and she fixed her bangs and ignored the looks she was getting as she walked back to sit next to Bubbles and Buttercup.

"Why did you come so late? Your parents would've killed you." Buttercup whispered as Blossom looked over at her friend and moved her hands from her sweaty forehead.

"We woke up late." Blossom said as the two girls nodded and looked back at the board.


"You should keep your back straight." Blossom said as she touched Brick's back, making him jump and he turned back to look at her.

"I think I should take a break, my legs and brain is killing me." Brick said as Blossom crossed her arms.

"Brick I don't have a lot of time, the performance is this Saturday And my parents are coming out to see it and I don't have to-."

"Wait this saturday?" Brick asked as Blossom nodded and Brick laughed and shook his head.

"Brick I'm serious." Blossoms aid as she put her hands on her hips and Brick chewed his bottom lip and stuck his thumbs up.

"Now let's get back to work." She said as Brick nodded but as soon she turned around Brick smacked himself on the forehead and opened his mouth to scream, but no noise came out, and he stared off into the mirror. Thinking of ways to get out of this thing, from either thing.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks???? Blossom??? Brick??? Boomer's birthday Sat.!!!!! Wells tells me your thoughts!! Also I'm making a new Blossick book, so be on the look out for that!!!! It's going to be called Kitten!, so be sure to find it!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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