Chapter Sixteen

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Whenever you think about notes what do you think their about? They could be about love, breakups, sadness, or even plain drama. Whatever we all gotten notes, whenever it's hate or plain love notes. But have you ever ignored note?

Blossom doesn't remember the note from Brick, whenever he gave her the charm. In fact she threw the bracelet in her dresser drawer so she wouldn't have to look at it, since it brought back so many memories.

Since she was still angry about Brick ditching her.

She knew that she shouldn't be angry, it wasn't her place to judge so quickly. Since Brick did pour out his heart to her, at least she didn't run away like others have done, well that's what Blossom thought. She thought that she needed respect also since she gives it to everyone else.

Yet for Blossom she felt like she didn't get the full confession. She feels like that Brick is holding back something and she didn't know how to react about that. She didn't know if she needed to go straight to him and force it out of him or wait for him to tell her. But for some reason she felt like Brick wasn't going to tell her anytime soon.

Because Brick has walls,and Blossom knew it. His walls are to protect him from whatever happened to him in the past. Blossom could tear brick by brick, instead of knocking them down. She knew that she needed to get Brick to trust her, but how was she going to do that?

She could just ask him to talk to her about it but she also knew that it wasn't the same. She wanted him to trust her but how can she do that if he won't even come to talk to her? He's been coming to work but acting pretty distant, which was hurting Blossom a lot. More than it should.

He promised that he would dance with her but how was he going to do it without practicing with her? But she also knew that he was going to hang out with his brothers, since every time she would talk to him that he would push her away, and that was like pouring salt on a open womb.

Blossom sighed and shook all the thoughts from her head and put her hair in a ponytail and threw her bow inside her bag before changing into her tights and leotard for practice. She tried on her shoes and grabbed her a small pink jacket and slipped it over her. She walked out and over towards the dance room and started to look in the mirror.

Her dance lessons was over and Blossom was just practicing for her big show case and she had a strong feeling that Brick might show up, so she chose to stay, even though her parents wasn't home yet, and she couldn't do anything till her sisters gets home so she'll won't have to deal with Maria alone.

"Why are you still here?" Brick asked as Blossom looked over at him and he walked inside the room with his half of his suit hanging besides his hips and Blossom shrugged.

"Don't want to go home," She replied as Brick nodded and looked over at her. "Why are you here?" She asked as Brick shrugged and sat down in the chair.

"I have to stay after hours for today." He answered as he leaned back in the chair.

"Oh." Blossom said as she turned over towards the mirror and stared at her reflection and she saw that she was turning pale, and she didn't know why.

She heard the chair squeak and she kept her eyes in the mirror and saw Brick standing behind her, he grabbed her wrist and her eyes looked down over to his skull tattoo and she waited for him to make a move but he kept his hands around her wrist and his red eyes stared into the mirror and Blossom looked up and met his eyes in the mirror.

He moved back bringing Blossom close then pulled her out. He spun her around and she looked over at him, keeping a straight face as he brought her back to his chest. face first, and she stood on her tippy toes and bent backwards, with Brick holding onto her waist.

Their eyes met and they continued to the the dance that Blossom been teaching him. Eyes never left, movements was so swift it could cut a rock. Blossom keep her face straight while Brick had some type of smile growing.

Brick never felt so free, every time he moved he felt his problems going away. Every step was releasing his stress. Every time he blink it felt so real. Every time his eyes stared into Blossom's pink eyes he felt complete.

Brick pulled her close and their lips was skimming and Blossom looked into his eyes and Brick kept a firm grip on her and their stare never seemed to break. The closer Brick would bring BLossom's body to his, the room seemed to start spinning.

"Why?" Blossom asked causing Brick raised his eyebrow over at him.

"Why what?" Brick asked as Blossom turned her head towards him and her eyes stared into his, as if she was trying to burn holes inside his brain.

"Where have you been?" Blossom asked as Brick smiled and pulled away from her and twisted her around making her back lean against his stomach.

"I've been thinking," Brick started off as he started to sway them around and they both looked in the mirror. "Why do you dance? What's the point, all those thoughts seemed to rack my brain. It overtook my brain and now I realize why you dance," Brick paused as Blossom looked over at him, seeing he had glossy eyes as he leaned down near her ear. "You felt free." He whispered.

"Do you feel trap?" Blossom asked as Brick pushed her away, but keeping his hands around her wrist and Blossom stared at him with a curious stare.

"Yes." Brick answered as he let go of her wrist and he fell down to his knees as Blossom turned around and looked ver at him.

She leaned down and Brick just grabbed her, he hugged her and cried in her shoulder. She frowned but wrapped her arms around him and closed her pink eyes and heart broken sobs. It was like a baby fallen down, and your heart is broken. You didn't know how to feel but a thousand emotions flow through you.

"How come?" Blossom asked as she kept her firm grip on him as he started to shake.

"I promised you and him." He let out as Blossom rubbed his back and tried to soothe him.

"What did you promise him?" She asked as Brick closed his eyes.

"I promised him the best birthday ever." He answered as Blossom nodded and pulled away and grabbed his chin and made Brick to look at her.

"Then keep that promise." Blossom said as Brick looked over at her with a sadden look and Blossom frowned and Brick shook his head.

"I c-can't." He stammered as Blossom raised her eyebrow over at him.

"Why not?" She asked as Brick looked down, making more tears fall. Blossom saw the tear tracks trailing down her chin and she frowned.

"Because I'll break yours." He said as Blossom widened her eyes and Brick looked away, ripping his chin away from Blossom's hand and he covered his face with his hands.

"I can't handle it! No one seems to understand how I feel! No one gets that I try so hard to be normal! But I can't, I get tattoos and I like to bring pain on others. I just feel so alone and I don't want to feel like this anymore!" Brick let out as he stood up and Blossom looked up at him and saw he was gripping his hair as he started to pace back and forth. "It's like nobody's hearing my screaming! No one is saying the right things!" Brick exclaimed as he looked over at her.

"I don't want to feel alone anymore." Brick whispered as Blossom stood up and grabbed his hands and laced them with hers and looked over at Brick and he let more tears fall down.

"You're not alone," She said as Brick nodded but she shook her head. "No your not, because I'm here." She said as Brick looked over at her and she wrapped her arms around him and he let out another sob. making Blossom's heart break.

"Thank you," Brick said as Blossom looked over at him with her eyebrow raised. "For being there for me whenever I didn't know." Brick said as Blossom smiled and looked at him and grabbed his face and brought it close.

"I'm not leaving." Blossom whispered before pressing her lips against his.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks??? Blossom??? Brick??? And Idk what to do about Chapter Thirteen, it's just keeps going behind all the other chapters!! So if any you knows what to do please contact me!! Thanks!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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