He chuckled as he snaked his arm around my waist, gripping me tightly as he turned on his side so we were face to face. "Quinn,"


"Would you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" He asked, brushing his finger against my cheek and there was no hesitation as I immediately nodded. He smiled once again, making me smile as well.

"I expect a real proposal though Luke." I whispered, and he laughed as he nodded, looking up at the ceiling as he sighed.

"That is a given, my Queen." He said, his tone suddenly more serious as he laid there. "I wish I had more of a normal life at points, you know? I want to be like a normal mortal who falls in love with the love of his life and then dies at an old age with them."

I frowned as I listened to him, wondering what goes through his mind but I was glad as he was being honest, "Oh Luke," I whispered, and he turned to lay on his side with his arm propping his head up.

"No but there is a light in the darkness, a big beacon of light in the darkness. That is you Quinn. With you, I feel normal." He murmured, nudging me slightly as he just stared at me.

The love that I felt for him was not explainable, and I was thankful for the comfortable silence between us. "Tell me stories."

He smiled as he opened his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me closer to him and I hummed in content as he thought.

"Hm, I suppose I can tell you how I got the control of the Underworld," He murmured, his fingers dancing along my skin, the feeling making me smile as I buried my head in the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around him tighter.

"Well, when we defeated the Titans, the brothers and I basically drew lots in order to see who would rule over which domain." He said, his nails gently scratching my thighs.

"That is about it." He said, and I laughed as the story was too short. "Just kidding, I have other stories as well my love."

"I love it when we are like this. Just together in an intimate setting, your fingers dragging along my skin and the scruff on your neck gently scratching my skin," I whispered, and he chuckled as he looked down at me.

"Well, I love being wherever you are. You have become such a happiness and a light in my life, Quinn." He murmured, kissing me quickly and I smiled.

"Can we get a kitten?" I blurted suddenly, and he furrowed his eyebrows as he shrugged his shoulders and sat up slightly so his back was against the headboard.

"I mean Cerberus is well trained, so I do not see why not." He said, and I grinned as I sat up as well, wrapping my arm around him as I hugged him close to me. I loved being close with him, it was all so innocent and the touches were just full of love.

"When would you like to go?" He asked, and I laughed slightly as I told him now, and he sighed as he pushed himself out of bed after he glanced at his watch, "Well, let us go my dear."

I hummed silently as we went through the manor, it nearing the time when everyone else was out and running errands, but Luke just held my hand as he led us to the garage. I surveyed the line of cars that he had, surprised that this was one of his loves before we climbed into one and he began driving us towards the small town.

"There was a pet store there," I said, and he nodded as he gripped my hand, his thumb grazing my knuckles as we rode just listening to the quiet music playing through the speakers.

"Honestly Quinn, you provide so much entertainment in my life. I am thankful to have you here with me." He murmured, and I gave a soft smile as I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed the back of it gently.

The Goddess Test ◊ L.H.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें