"Thank you Issei, you really are my Issei. Come on let's go." Rias said taking Issei's hand and running towards Asia and Akeno.

"That's right, this is when I feel the most comfortable and happy. When I hold his hand. When I stand by his side. And I swear I will never let anyone take him away from me." Rias thought to herself as they neared the school gates.

"Yo Hyoudou!" a voice said in the distance.

"Hey Saji, what's up?" Issei said to the blonde student council worker who was now in front of him.

"I was asked by the student council president to request your assistance in the martial arts club open house this morning." Saji replied.

"Huh? Why me? Isn't there already a captain of the martial arts group?" Issei asked still confused as to why he was being asked this.

"That's true but it turns out he has come down with the flu today and loads of parents have come to view the open house for the martial arts class. But the club needs a high ranking martial artist to spar with." Saji replied finally making sense to Issei now.

"I see. Well if you're happy with me, I will support you."

"Awesome! I knew I could count on you Hyoudou." Saji said now looking at the three girls as he began to take Issei away.

"Sorry ladies, the student council is borrowing Issei for a while so we'll be going on ahead." Saji said practically rushing Issei along now.

And just like that, Issei had been separated from the trio of girls he was moments ago walking to school with. Leaving an upset and irritated Rias behind him.

"Jeez it's no fair. Why did Sona have to choose Issei to do it." Rias said making Akeno grin.

"Oh my, aren't you getting too possessive of Issei kun Rias?" Akeno said making Rias blush and snap back at her.

"I am Issei's master and he is my cute and powerful pawn. I have every right to want to spend as much time with him as possible." Rias replied back feeling upset that once again Issei was taken from her.

"I understand how the president feels. We didn't get to sleep with Issei san in his bed last night so I also feel lonely." Asia said trying to hide her burning red face now.

Elsewhere, Hyoudou Issei had now arrived at the gymnasium where the practical open house was being held. It didn't take Issei long to gear and be ready to take part in this sparring session.

The red dragon emperor emerged from the changing room and stepped into the hall ready to begin. Issei was given a special unique outfit to wear. Unlike the other members of the martial arts club, Issei's gi was a red one much like the colour of his sacred gear. The gi was sleeveless much to the joy of the female spectators who could clearly see his muscular biceps. On the back of his top, there was a black Asian dragon embedded on it much to Issei's liking to the design of his gi.

The first thing Issei noticed when he finally reached the mats, was the amount of contestants who were here to fight against him and the fact that not all of them were members of the club. In fact the majority of willing volunteers were angered boys in his class who were jealous of his insane popularity with the girls including the famous perverted duo Matsuda and Motohama.

Issei sighed hearing them silently curse him as he took his place as substitute captain. However, the hall was far from silent as many of Issei's groupies had gathered to cheer him on.

"Kya! Issei sama!"

"Do your best Kuoh prince!"

"Alright everyone settle down. Open house is about to begin. Well then without further ado let's get this sparring session under way. Begin!" The referee said commencing the class.

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