Chapter 21: Colleen

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Baylor and I decided to stop at McDonald's for some food before heading home. But we couldn't go inside and eat because someone might see me.

Will I ever have to stop hiding?

Instead of going to sit down, we went through the drive through and parked in some empty lot to eat. It wasn't exactly like it used to be, but it was pretty close.

And that was good enough for me.

"So," Baylor said, talking through his Big Mac chews, "It's getting late so how 'bout we watch a movie when we get home, huh?"

I really wanted to watch a movie with him but he had school the next day and he gets very grumpy when he's tired and has had no sleep. "Bay, I would love to but —"

"Yeah, yeah," he interrupted, obviously miffed. "I know. It's a school night. You know, I thought you wouldn't be so goodie-two-shoes anymore but that's cool," he said, shrugging. "We can do it this weekend, alright?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, sounds good."

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, also getting Big Mac sauce all over the side of my face.

"Ew, Baylor!" I shrieked. I wiped the slobbery sauce off of my cheek and sneered it all over Baylor's smirking face.

He gasped in horror and I just laughed. "Well, Bay, if you didn't kiss me with your mouth full that wouldn't happen to you now would it?"

I was suspecting him to groan but he actually smiled. "Ah, finally! Colleen "the Sass" Rivers is back!"

And with that he kissed me again but not on the cheek this time.

Let's just say it was the grossest but also the best kiss I had ever gotten.


We were driving back to the house, singing off key to the pop songs on the radio and eating the left over fries when we saw bright lights of what looked like twenty cars parked in my driveway.


He turned down the radio and turned off the headlights to draw no attention to ourselves as we got closer to my house.

"Baylor what are all these people at my house for? Wait, you didn't have a surprise party did you? Baylor if you did I swear I'll—"

"Colleen, Colleen! Calm down. I didn't do anything. I have as much of a good guess as you do about this. But I don't have a good feeling that this is good. We will just circle again. In the meantime, try to get ahold of your parents."

I nodded and quickly called my mom's cell phone. She picked up as soon as I dialed, almost as if she was waiting for me.

"Sweetheart! Don't come home!" Mom told me, obviously worried and panicked. But at what?

I was in shock at her answer. "Why, Mom, what happened?"

Mom sighed, trying to calm herself down so she could speak. "There are news people here for you. And scientists. Somehow the word of you being alive got out and everyone wants to talk to you. The news people want to interview you and the scientists want to run tests on you. Please, sweetie, just don't come home. Go to Baylor's house. Your father is there now explaining everything to his parents. He has a suitcase full of your clothes for you. James and I love you, Colleen. Stay safe."

And just like that she hung up.

"What'd she say?" he asked, his eyes perplexed on the road ahead.

"We are going to your house."

He didn't question me but nodded.

We drove past my house to see at least twenty cars parked in my driveway and in my grass. Some were large news vehicles and some were white panel vans that had the words, Experiment Lab, on the side of them. One vehicle was even an ambulance for who knows why. We drove the rest of the way in silence until we pulled into his garage.


Baylor and I busted through the door to see Dad and Baylor's parents in the kitchen, calmly having coffee and conversing.

Apparently they were taking this well.

His mom turned around and smiled at me, although I don't know if she could still see me. I had Baylor's oversized hoodie still on, the hood pulled close to me face. "Hello, Colleen," she said, calmly. "It's great to see you again."

Was she for real? How well did Dad explain this to them?

"Your bag is already in the guest room, sweetheart," Dad chimed in, approaching me. "I have to go back home now to help your mother and James fight off that paparazzi." He lightly laughed but as he got closer, I could see tears forming in his eyes. This must be worse than losing me again. I am alive and here, but I won't be able see him.

Someone did this to pull apart my family, or torture me, or something else. But whoever it is I was determined to find them and make them pay.

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