Chapter 33: Colleen

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How did they find us? We weren't sure who they were yet, but I knew I should hide. Baylor would be fine where he was at right now. I highly doubted they would go into James's room anyways. And if they did, Baylor couldn't tell them where I was because he wouldn't know. I needed to hide somewhere they wouldn't find me.

I got upstairs and turned left where the door to my room was, but I went passed my room to the door that led to the attic. I knew those stairs would creak horribly, so I had to be extra careful going up.

After I got to the top, I looked around for a hiding place. There were boxes labeled for Christmas and Halloween decorations everywhere, and even more boxes that held my many toys I had from when I was little. Of course, James had a lot of toys, but I inherited most of them. He even gave some to charity because he didn't see the need in keeping them. But I did. I was not giving my toys up to some orphans. Sorry, but not sorry. Those toys were precious to me.

Maybe after my "celebrity status" wears off, I would donate some. After all, they have been in this attic for ten years or so.

But none of those boxes were big enough to hide in or behind. I decided to go into the very corner, and hide in an old trunk we had up there. It was Grandma's and Lord knows why we still have it, but I was thankful we had it now.

I opened it up to see a few letters and what looked like necklace and earring boxes scattered on the bottom of it. The lining of the trunk was worn out, but I was still able to tell it was red velvet — the trunk probably costed a lot of money and we didn't even know.

It wasn't until I got settled comfortably inside the trunk and closed the lid that I realized how cold it was up here. I had no shoes on and no jacket. All I was wearing was a pink tank top and dark skinny jeans. I really hoped James would come up and find me soon.

I was once again trapped in a small box where oxygen wasn't plentiful. But at least this time I was above the ground.

Was I scared?


I was terrified.

The Death of Colleen Rivers Where stories live. Discover now