Chapter 28: Baylor

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"I said, I'm leaving. We're going home, Baylor."

Colleen began to pack up all her belongings, shoving them carelessly into her bag. She looked angry, or sad. Possibly both. "Colleen, wait. We have to think this through first."

"What's to think through Baylor?" She had tears in her eyes now. "I wanna go home. I'm so homesick I can't stand it. I'm tired of Leila pushing me around, trying to get to you. I just want everything
back to normal."

I grabbed her hand and held it tight, staring into her eyes. I had almost forgotten how gorgeous her eyes really were. So green, like emeralds, they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Her hair had of coursed changed from where she had cut it and now it was dark red instead of black, but she was still as gorgeous as ever. "Sweetheart, you know it can't go back to normal. You know what's going to happen when we get back down there into town?"

"Yeah. And I don't care," she declared.

"Well, I care. I care if they take you away from me. I care if I can't see you anymore. I care if they hurt you and cause you to be in pain, babe. Please, Colleen, just a few more nights, okay? Let's at least get a plan together."

She stared at me, her brows furrowed.

"I'll do your hair all nice," I bargained, shooting her a sly smile.

With her brows still furrowed, and her face twisted into a frown she said, "Fine. Two nights to think of a plan."

"Good." I put my hands on her face and kissed her. "Okay, you better start unpacking and get ready for the night then."

She smiled at me. "Alright."

I began to get a fire started and also began to think about what just happened. Usually, Colleen doesn't agree to things that quickly, or agree with me at all. Maybe she just really likes it when I do her hair? Who knows. But I got her to stay with me a couple more nights, and that'll be plenty of time to come up with a plan. Won't it?

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