Chapter 36: Baylor

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"Leila," I said under my breath.

She placed her elbows on the desk, locking her hands together and laying her chin on her hands. "Well, well, well, look who we have here," she smirked. "It's Baylor Bennett."

I started to get up but the huge guy that brought me in here threw me back down in the chair and held me there while another man tied my hands to the arms of the chair with zip ties. He didn't give it any slack, either. If I were to move my arms, even just a little, the zip tie would start to cut my skin. I sighed. I didn't have time for this. "Where's Colleen?" I asked demandingly.

Leila cackled, then smiled slyly. "Who's Colleen?"

I couldn't keep my cool any longer. I had no more cool to keep. But I could tell she liked me being angry, so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh you know," I said, returning the smirk. "She's my girlfriend. Actually she's the best girlfriend in the world."

She was beginning to show anger but not enough. I needed to really get under her skin...

"In fact, I asked her to marry me when we got out of high school."

She gasped. "You didn't."

I smiled. "Afraid so."

Her face twitched but she immediately fixed it. "You're bluffing." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

I shrugged. "Maybe I am, but maybe I'm not. I have had every intention on marrying that girl anyways. I wouldn't be wasting my time dating her if I didn't think so."

Oh, Leila was furious now. But she was trying so hard not to let it show. She smiled again, trying to cover up her anger. "That's too bad then, Baylor."

"What do you mean?"

"It's too bad you won't be able to marry her."

"And why would that be?"

"Hm." Leila stood up and walked towards the door. I turned my head as best as I could to see as she opened it. "Maybe this is why." She slung open the door to reveal a something large that was hidden with a white sheet. She yanked the sheet off to reveal a cage that held a human being inside, lying down.

The girl had dark red hair that looked like it was chopped off suddenly. She was wearing a hospital gown that was covered in red blotches here and there. It was my girlfriend that was trapped in that box.

Was she still alive? She had to be of they kept her in the cage.

I watched closely to see if I could see her breathe and sure enough, her chest rose and fell slowly.

Thank God she was still alive. I signed in relief. Not because I was happy now, just because I knew she was alive. I had something to fight for.

But I couldn't stand this anymore. I was so furious at Leila, at this people, at this place, and at myself for all that has happened. Colleen should be safe at my house right now. We should be playing video games or watching a movie right now. We should be together, laughing and giggling, snuggling on the couch and being happy.

Instead, we were prisoners to this place, Leila being our capturer. I was going to get my girlfriend out of here, even if it meant I didn't get to leave. Even if it meant this was going to be my final resting place.

Colleen was leaving soon if she liked it or not.

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