Chapter 30: Baylor

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I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining on my face

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I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining on my face. I didn't open my eyes yet, I just wanted to listen to the peaceful forest around me. Today, Colleen and I were going to come up with a plan. That's what we discussed last night before she passed out in my arms. I didn't want to disturb her since she had just fallen asleep, so I decided to go to sleep too. I had just fixed the fire, and it was still burning bright when we fell asleep; our little shelter kept us out of the way of the falling snow.

I decided it was time to eat and started to get up, but noticed something was different — Colleen wasn't beside me. I tried not to panic. Maybe she was outside reading her book. Or maybe she was eating and didn't want to wake me up.

I slipped outside of the shelter to see the fire was finally just ashes, and even a few pieces of wood still smoldering from last night. But Colleen was no where in sight. Even her backpack was gone.

"COLLEEN?" I screamed out.

No answer.

"COLLEEN!" I tried again.

Still no answer.

She must of lied to me. I knew she wanted to see her family but she needed to wait. This was just plain selfish. What was she even thinking? She could get herself taken away and experimented on because of how she survived in that coffin.

"Colleen," I said out loud to myself. "Please be alright. Wherever you are, please be safe."


Just my luck, there were no footprints in the snow as I began my trek back to the town. The snow from last night had covered up everything from yesterday. It was boring being by myself and I missed Colleen. I decided there was no point in having my phone off anymore so I turned it on, the screen instantly lighting up, as if it was welcoming me back to the modern world.

Malcolm had texted me many times, so I just decided to call him, figuring it would be faster and I was lonely, so hearing someone else's voice besides the one in my head would be nice.

The phone rang and rang until I heard a groggy voice say, "Hello?"

"Hey, Malcolm. So what's up?"

"I love ya man, but only crazy people call at five in the morning."

"Dude, you live on a farm," I said. "Don't you wake up early anyways?"

"Not everyday! Besides, it's a school day. I have two more hours I can sleep, so bye."

I continued to walk as I talked to him. "No, wait!"

"What?" he said, sounding annoyed.

"Have you heard anything about Colleen?"

"Nah, bro....wait. Is she not with you?"

"No. I think she headed down to her house. She doesn't care what happens anymore, she was getting homesick. Selfish if you ask me."

I could hear rustling which meant Malcolm was finally getting up. "Can you turn on the news or something and check?" I asked.

"Yeah hold on." He came back a few minutes later and said, "I don't see anything. Sorry, bro. Anything else I can do for you? Since, ya know, I'M ALREADY AWAKE."

I laughed. "Sorry, Malcolm. But you think you could pick me up? My ride is at my house and that's a long way away."

"Yeah, sure thing. Where are you now?"

"Umm, I'm in the woods, remember?"

Malcolm sighed. "No, idiot, where in the woods are you?"

"Well, I know I'm across from my house, in those woods. But I'll send you my current location. I'm just heading down the hill so wherever I come out that's where I'll be."

"Can you send your location like every ten minutes?"

"Yeah, sure thing." I got out my phone and sent Malcom my location, setting it to send every ten minutes like he wanted.

I hung up the call and started my hike down the hill.


It took me only one day to hike back to the edge of the woods because Colleen wasn't with me this time. My girlfriend...I wondered if she made it home safely. I wondered if they had already taken her. Maybe she was just being bombarded by paparazzi. I hoped for the latter at least. At least she would be safe from the experimenting scientists.

It was dark and my phone was on 5%. My phone had just sent Malcolm my location so he should have been here by now. I was almost out in the open now, I couldn't risk walking around to look for him.


I jumped back and smacked whatever was behind me in the face.

"Ouch, man. It's just me!"

I fixed my eyes on the person to see it was Malcolm, holding his nose shut.

"Sorry, dude. I didn't know it was you."

He waved me off with the hand that was free. "It's cool. Let's just get to my truck, okay?"

Well, I did see a truck, but it wasn't even a registered vehicle. It was a beat up, navy blue pick-up, with the words FARM USE painted on the side in big red letters. "Is...this it?" I asked.

"Heck yeah it is! Jump in!"

"But don't you need to make your nose stop bleeding before you drive?" His nose was pouring blood now and he wasn't even trying to stop it.

"Nah, it'll be okay." He shrugged it off.

"'ll get all over the seats..."

"It'll be fine, Baylor. This is just one of the farm truck. No harm done." He hopped in he driver's side of the truck and I hopped in beside him.

"So," Malcolm said as he started it up, "where are we going?"

"To find my girlfriend."

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