Chapter 6: Baylor

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Man, today was rough. At least it was almost over. And at least I still had my girlfriend with me. Even if she was dead, she was still the cutest thing ever. Her hair was always on point and her clothes were too; she never had to change. She couldn't change. (Just glad I couldn't smell her although she probably wouldn't stink anyways.)

I parked the car in my driveway, grabbed my bag, and headed to the door, letting Colleen go through first.

I was starting up the steps when I was caught.

"Baylor?" my mom called.


I turned around and faced my parents who were sitting in the living room. Dad, in his chair reading the newspaper and drinking coffee, and mom with a glass of sweet tea and her favorite tv show turned on were now staring intently at me.

"Yes?" I answered.

"How was your day?" Dad asked.

"Oh you know, just like any other day....I would really love to chat but I have a lot of homework to finish..."

"Oh yes, go ahead son."

I nodded and ran up the stairs to my room, shutting the door as quietly as I could.

"You seemed too happy back there," Colleen blurted out.


"You seemed too happy. I'm dead remember. You're supposed to mourn my death..."

"Oh yeah! Sorry, forgot." I put on my pouty face.

Colleen just rolled her eyes at me and smiled. "Alright," she said, "Let's get started on these letters, shall we?"

I nodded and began to pull letter after letter out of my jacket pockets. I lied them all down on the bed, spreading them out with my hands.

Colleen looked at each different letter, carefully selecting the one she wanted to read. She picked up a pink one and began to read it out loud:

"Dear Colleen,
this is so hard for me to say, but I have to say it: goodbye. I hate that you're gone. Nothing will be the same anymore...especially lunch. Oh gosh what am I going to do at lunch? How am I going to entertain myself? That's nearly impossible to do; you always made lunch so fun. Anyways, I promise to take care of Baylor. We will make it through together. I promise not to let you down. I will forever miss you, Lassie.
Love, Riley Sky"

"Why did she call you Lassie?" I asked.

Colleen looks up from the letter and stares at me. "You know..."

I shook my head. "No, please explain."

She rolled her eyes but still spoke. "Riley would call me Collie instead of Colleen. Then she started calling me Collie dog which later turned into Lassie. You know, because Lassie is a collie..."

"Oh that's right, I remember now," I chuckled.

Colleen just shook her head and a small smile crept it's way unto her face. "Well, so far I managed to pick up my two best friends' about you just hand me a random one? I want to prove you wrong."

I didn't argue but handed Colleen another letter. She unfolded it and began to read again:

"Colleen -
You will be missed dearly. Rest in peace and rock on fellow classmate. You'll be livin your afterlife out as always least that's the great thing about dying young.
Grayson Smith"

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