Chapter 14: Leila

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Stupid Baylor. To think that he would actually like me. I mean, he should love me. I'm perfect.

I never understood why he loved that goth chick so much. She wasn't pretty, she didn't dress nice, her hair had that weird pink strip in it, and she was never nominated for Homecoming Princess or Prom Queen. That should have been a big blinking light to not date her.

He's a jock. She was...well she was a nothing. She was just one of those girls who came to school because they had to. Because they had nothing better to do. I'm a cheerleader. Cheerleaders are suppose to be date football players. Just like how the world turns, that's how high school relationships go. Jocks date cute cheerleaders.

Anyways, I'm off the subject.

I saw something awfully confusing in the park today. I was on my afternoon jog, like I did every day at the park, when I saw Baylor sitting under the branches of the weeping willow with some girl.

I needed to find out who this girl was. Who beat me? Who won Baylor Bennett's heart after I couldn't? No one should be beating me. No one should be able to win him over but me. I'm Leila Lockwood! I'm basically the goddess of the school! 

I decided to take the walking path that went just passed the area where they were sitting. The sun wasn't out right now, but I put my shades on anyways and flipped my hood up so he couldn't see it was me.

I pick up my speed to get to the top but slowed down once I got there, taking a break at the tree to nonchalantly stretch my legs. I peeked over at Baylor to see him kissing the girl. Seriously? Ugh.

When they finally got done smacking lips, the mysterious girl stood up and headed towards the restroom. I took this as my chance to follow her and find out who she was.

I ran back down the hill, circling the restrooms so I could catch a glimpse of her when she passed me.

She had a hoodie on, the hood propped up on her face making it hard to see who she was. But flying out of the hood and in the wind was long black strands of hair, with a strip of pink peeping out.

"There's no way..." I mumbled to myself as I passed her. "It can't be that Collin girl. I made sure she was gone..."

Well, if she wasn't dead, might as well make a big deal out of it. So I called the newspapers to tell them my findings.

For proof, I took a picture of the back of her, the pink hair wisps visible in the picture.

There was no way this couldn't be on the front of the paper... I could see it now: DEAD GIRL FOUND ALIVE BY LOCAL SWEETHEART

I was finally going to be famous. Well, at least locally. I'll work on globally later.  *Insert grinning devil face emoticon here.*

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