Chapter 35: Baylor

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I woke up to darkness. Was I dreaming? I pinched myself and clearly felt it, so no, this was real.

Were my eyes still closed then? I continuously blinked them to make sure that was not the case.

Okay, I was either blind, or it was so dark wherever I was that I couldn't see. I was betting on the latter. (Well, that's what I hoped on anyways.)

I ran my hands over the surface I was lying on. It was cold, rigged and very damp; I could hear water dripping somewhere near me. I tried to move my ankle, but even an inch would shoot pain through it and I wanted to scream. Wherever I was, my capturers didn't want me moving or seeing.

I cursed under my breath. I needed to know if Colleen was here. I mean, she could be an inch away from me and I wouldn't know. I needed to protect her. This was my fault and I knew it.

I rolled on my side, carefully placing my ankle on the ground again, and fell fast asleep. (I don't know how I did since I was super uncomfortable, but I did.)


"Hey, Blondie! Get up!"

I opened my eyes to be greeted by a bright flashlight. "Huh?"

"I said, GET UP!" the manly voice yelled. He threw a pile of fabric at me and flicked on a light switch so I could finally see.

I blinked to adjust my eyes to the light. The room I was in looked like any other room. It was painted blue, with a white door that lead out. The weird thing though was there was no furniture or decorations in the room. There was no one in here but me. The floor on the other hand, was rugged concrete.

The man had thrown a pair of blue jeans and a plain black t shirt at me — I'm guessing that meant he wanted me to change out my current clothes.

I looked down to see what I was actually wearing to find out all I had on was my pair of boxers. Whoever these guys were, they stole my other clothes.

I carefully stood up and slipped the jeans and shirt on, hopping over to the door on my good leg so I could leave.

I had my fists ready to fight when I opened the door. It creaked as it opened and I gritted my teeth. If I was too escape, this door had to cooperate. Since it already gave me away though, I went ahead and swung it open peering into the room in front of me.

It was a humongous living room with a dome over head. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from it, cascading distorted light all over the room, giving the effect we were underwater.

On the wooden floor were many rugs and furniture that looked like they were from the 1800s.

I hopped over to the closest chair and sat down, adjusting my ankle on the floor. Where was everyone at? There had to be more people here besides me.

Suddenly, I heard loud footsteps coming from the corridor that led out of the living room. A large man approached me without uttering a word.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

I was answered with silence. Instead, he picked me up off the chair and slung me over his shoulder.

"Hey, Big Guy, can you at least tell me where you are taking me?"

"To Boss," he answered.

"And who's that?"

Again, he said nothing.

I didn't try again, I knew I would just have to wait and see who this "Boss" guy was.

Finally, after many corridors and staircases, we entered a room and he slung me back down in a chair. I was facing a large desk with a picture window behind it, just like any other office you would imagine. Filing cabinets and bookshelves full of fancy leather bound books lined the four walls. The chair was faced towards the window and slowly began to turn around.

Oh great, I thought. I'm in the presents of some villain.

The chair completed its turn and I expected to see a huge man smoking a cigar like any other rich villain would be. Instead, I was seeing the familiar face of Leila Lockwood.

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