Chapter 43: Colleen

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I would have much rather have suffocated in that casket than have went through what I had to go through now.

My only sibling was lying on the floor in front of me, not breathing, with a huge gash in his head.

My heart was breaking. It felt like I was breaking. It felt like I was suffocating in my tears.

I cried into Baylor's shoulder for a solid 30 minutes, until I had no more tears left. I recollected my self quickly and helped Baylor up and into one of the chairs we had sitting in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Baylor asked me. But I didn't answer. I didn't have time for that.

I walked away from him, heading to one of the home phones we had scattered around the house.

"Colleen?" Nope, still not answering I don't have time, Baylor.

I punched in three numbers and waited for a voice to talk to me.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" a lady's voice chimed over the phone.

"My brother. He's on the ground with a huge gash in his head. He's not breathing but I can feel a pulse. It's barely there but it's there." I was surprisingly calm.

"Where are you, ma'am?"

I gave her my address. "And my boyfriend, he also has a broken ankle," I added.

"And what'd you say your name was, ma'am?"

"Colleen Rivers."

The lady gasped but became formal with me once again. "Of course, Miss Rivers. An ambulance and police are coming quickly. Just hang tight, okay?"

"Okay," I answered.

"Don't hang up the phone. Stay with me, okay, Colleen?"


"It'll be okay, Colleen," she cooed. "It'll be okay."

Yeah, right. That's what they all say. And look at what a mess we are in now.


The ambulance arrived and took James first, strapping him tightly to the gurney before coming back for me and Baylor. They took him next of course, leaving me to lastly get in the ambulance because I only had minor cuts and bruises.

I was hesitant at first because they were giving me strange looks. Until they assured me I would be safe and so would my boyfriend and brother. And then I followed them into the ambulance, holding Baylor's hand the entire way there, refusing to let go.

I also refused to let go when they were taking him to do an X-ray on his ankle.

"Miss Rivers, you can't go in there. The X-rays are dangerous. I can take you to see your brother if you would like."

I nodded in response. We walked down the bright; white hallways, the nurse babbling on and on about medical things I didn't understand to a doctor that was also walking with us.

I made sure to check and double check and sometimes triple check around me, making sure no one was going to drag me off again. I was so afraid that it would happen again.

"Here we are," the doctor said, gesturing to a room that had the numbers 245 written on the door. "Jamison Rivers is this way, ma'am."

The doctor led me to James's bedside. I sat down in one of the worn out chairs they had, keeping a close eye on my big brother. I looked up to the doctor. "Is he okay?"

He sighed and sat down in the equally worn out chair beside me. "He's not in the best condition, but he will survive."

I put my hand over James's limp one, smiling. Tears of relief began to roll down my face. I closed my eyes to make them go away. Ugh why was I turning so soft. I used to be so much tougher than this. I could feel the doctor pat my back and then I heard him leave the room, letting me be alone with my brother.

I crawled up on the bed and curled up beside James like I used to do when I was younger and there was a bad storm outside. I wouldn't go to my parents room. I just preferred the company of my brother instead.

"It'll be okay, Colleen," he would tell me. "It'll be okay."

And it would be. When James would say it would be okay, it would be.

I could have swore I heard him whisper it too me now as I drifted off to sleep.

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