Chapter 31: Colleen

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Thank God it snowed last night. If not, Baylor could have tracked me.

I was almost to the edge of the woods when the sun was beginning to rise. I just hoped Baylor had woken up much later and didn't realize where I had went; once he woke up, he would already know.

I was closer to Baylor's house than my own when I emerged from the forest's safe surroundings. I had to walk a good couple blocks to get to my own house, in which I would have to be really sneaky so no one would see me.

I snuck around, feeling like a ninja, jumping from the backyard from one house to the next until I reached my own house. I didn't know who or if anyone was home now, but I guessed at least Mom would be home. It was starting to get dark and Mom is usually home by then.

I wiggled the doorknob that belonged to the back door to find it locked. I cursed under my breath. What luck. What rotten luck. I couldn't make any racket — that would cause attention to myself. If anyone besides my family was in there, I would certainly be taken away.

I just wanted to see my family, was that too much to ask?

I sighed and slumped down against the wall, my head hitting the siding. Maybe, just maybe, Mom or James would come out the back and see me, and sneak me in. But that scenario had odds one to one million.

"Please, please, let someone come out and see me. Please, please," I pleaded to no one particular.


It was fairly dark now, so I was safely camouflaged by the night if anyone at all was snooping around the house. I was carefully hidden in plain sight.

I just wish I had my dark black hair back. I missed being able to braid it and play with it. Now, it was so short I could hardly put it in a ponytail, let alone a braid.

I was bored, and hungry. I had already ate the rest of that rabbit and all my snacks. (I had left most of them for Baylor and only took a couple for myself.) And, I still couldn't believe that I even shot that rabbit...

That's when I remembered: I had my phone on me. It was off at the moment, but I had it.

I frantically searched through my bag to find my phone. It was still in tact — thank goodness — but it was freezing to hold. I held down the power button to see the screen instantly light up with the brand logo.

My lock screen finally popped on, showing a picture of me, Baylor, and Nat, taken last summer at the county fair. We had our expressions twisted into funny faces, making that certain picture my favorite one we ever took.

I smiled as I looked at it, but then remembered I actually needed to use it. Not diddle daddle like usual. I unlocked it and immediately went to my phone app, calling my brother.

"Hello?" James answered cautiously.

"James, it's me!" I whispered.

He gasped. "Colleen? Is that really you?"

"Yes, of course it is." I rolled my eyes. "I need you to come to the back door and unlock it for me. I'm outside."

"No," he said. "You can't come here."

"Why not?"

"It's still not safe. Aren't you with Baylor? Why are you guys down here?"

"He's...not here, James. I kinda left him..."

"You did what?!" he asked, started to raise his voice.

"I left him up in the woods where it was safe. I was tired of hiding. I came to see you guys. If they take me, they take me. But I'm not hiding from them anymore. So, please, James, please come let me in. It's freezing and I'm starving."

He sighed but told me he'd be down in a minute and ended the call. A few minutes later, he emerged from the house, carrying a blanket in one hand, and a bowl of soup in the other.

Finally, I was saved.

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