Chapter 36

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As soon as the bus stopped I snuck out of my bunk, not even bothering to change out of my sleepwear. I was on a mission to figure out who told Vic I was still alive and why he forgave me so easily.

"Claire what are you doing?" My eyes widened when I realized I was caught. I turned to see Jaime on the Xbox wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Instead of speaking I put my index finger over my lips shooting him a pleading look, before pulling my phone out as if to signal that I would text him what was going on. The spikey haired male only nodded as I slipped through the bus doorway and sprinted off towards the YouTubers bus.

After everything that went down with Jordan I figured it would've been him who had told, but a part of me also said he wouldn't do that to me after everything we've been through. I sent Jaime a lame excuse about needing tampons before knocking on the familiar bus door.

Not long after I came face to face with a tired and tussled haired Jordan Sweeto. "Claire what the hell are you doing here?" As soon as he realized it was me his voice became panicked and he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the back of the bus.

"Jordan what the hell?" I hissed trying to pull my arm away from his grasp, but it only became tighter.

"You can't be seen here! The guys aren't exactly happy you're back, plus we have other members of MDE here." He replied quickly glancing behind us to make sure we weren't followed.

"Did you tell Vic?" I figured being straight forward about why I came here was the best choice at this point in time.

My old friend shot me a confused look before speaking again, "Did I tell Vic what?"

I grabbed the taller boy by the shoulders and pulled him down so I could look him in the eye, "Were you the person who told Vic that I was still alive Jordan?"

His face still held confusion but quickly changed when he realized what I was accusing him of, "Do you really think that I, of all people, would tell him? We've been friends for years Claire. You know me better than that."

"I don't know you anymore Jordan!" I almost screamed, "Ever since this tour began you've been acting differently and I don't like it. You're acting like a stuck up inconsiderate prick."

"Claire I didn't tell Vic," His voice was darkly low and he avoided eye contact.

I let out a sigh and ran my hand down from his shoulder to his chest, "Jordan what happened to us?"

"I guess we just grew apart Claire," He muttered pushing my hand away, "I've got to go. I'll see you around."

With that I was left alone.


Banging on the bus door woke me up the next morning causing me to groan inwardly before covering my face with a pillow expecting the person to eventually leave. That didn't happen though.

I figured it was Mike or Jaime once again forgetting the code to get on the bus, but when I opened the door I found True Arahill standing there awkwardly about to knock again. True and I have only spoken about two times while on this tour, so I'm beyond confused as to why he's here.

"Hey True..." I whispered slightly self-conscious about how I looked right now. I mean I literally just rolled out of bed.

He sent me a kind smile and took a step back noticing that I was uncomfortable, "Hey Claire. I just came by because Ben mentioned you were here alone. I thought you were awake already though, so if you want to go back to sleep I can just come back later."

"Oh, I needed to wake up anyways. It's probably really late," I replied scratching the back of my neck.

He nods looking around before back to me, "Well, a couple of the guys and I are going out for white water rafting later. We were wondering if you'd like to come as well."

I looked at him as if he had two heads. After everything that went down, I'm surprised True wants to be around me let alone everyone else. "Um, you aren't going to try to push me out of the raft and kill me are you?"

He chuckled, but I was only half joking with my question. It's hard for me to trust people I haven't been around a lot, which I know is hard to believe due to how easy it was for me to be around Pierce the Veil and All Time Low.

"Don't worry. No one is planning to hurt you, plus Ben would never let that happen." He said with a small smile while turning towards the door, "We're leaving in about an hour. If you're up for it meet us at the gates.

Good god it's been awhile. I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading! :)

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