Chapter 28

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My phone fell from my hands as the line went dead. Shivers ran down my spine as his words ran through my mine, 'You'll never see her again.'

It was like a ringing that'd never leave. I fell to my knees and clutched the back of my head as Jaime and Mike sprinted towards me, "Vic? Vic what's going on?!"

Mikes arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me to my feet while Jaime held me in place. "Vic?" Hime ran his hand in front of my face but I chose to ignore it and walk away.

She's gone.


I haven't slept for the last twenty four hours, and I don't know how my body is functioning from the amount of alcohol I've taken in. The guys have all been worried sick about me, and even Jordan came up and tried to talk to me earlier.

Right now the guys were at the tent selling merch to a few fans, but I chose to get some alone time and walk. I brought my bottle to my lips again only to find it empty.

I frustratedly groan before throwing the bottle to the ground in front of me causing it to shatter. Why the fuck is it always me that can't seem to stay happily in a relationship? It seems that everyone around me is younger and already married and shit. Fuck Kellin even has a kid!

Pain seared in my leg and when I glanced down I found it had been cut by a shard of glass. Deciding to ignore it I kept walking and glanced up at the darkening sky. Claire always loved the night for some reason.

Soon enough I decided to stop and take a seat on a bench. My thoughts were running wild and if I don't calm down I'm going to do something I'll regret. The sounds of Asking Alexandria's set could be heard in the distance.

"Why do I even try anymore?" I groan and lean back tugging lightly on my hair, "No matter what I do anymore I always end up hurt so what the fuck is the point?"

I sat in silence for what seemed like forever before making my way back to the bus. When I opened the door I found Tony, Jesse, Mike, Jaime, Ben, and Jordan all huddled in a circle on the couches.

"What's going on?" I knew I looked like a wreck but when I glanced at the mirror next to the door I couldn't help but cringe. My hair was going in different directions and the bags under my eyes were darker than ever.

Jaime was the first to speak up, "T-they just came to notify us about everything. Vic I'm sorry we didn't know-"

"What, and if you did you would've acted differently?" I snapped causing the boy to flinch slightly.

Mike's head turned towards me and I could tell he'd been crying, "Vic you're not the only one affected by this. Don't go off on people just because they're trying to fucking apologize."

"You weren't in love with her Mike!" My breathing had become heavy by now, "She was the one..."

Jordan wiped his hands on his pants before speaking up, "You might think that now, but I'm sure you'll find another girl Vic..."

My teeth clenched together at his words, "You know, I would go off on you because you're the whole fucking reason that she ran off in the first place, but you're not worth it anymore Jordan. Are you happy now? I can't be with Claire now because you were a dick and made her leave."

The boy shook his head but stayed silent after that.

"Vic I think you should get some sleep. You look like you need it," Ben spoke up from his spot on the couch.

"Plus Tony's flying home tomorrow," Mike added in. I glanced at Tony who hadn't said a word this whole time. His head was down in his hands and for a minute there I thought he was actually asleep.

"I won't be able to," I muttered taking a seat next to my brother, "Sorry for yelling."

With that Tone looked up. He was a wreck and it made me feel horrible. The other guys spent more time with her than I did when she first came on the bus, and when Tony first got here they got along really well.

I didn't take into consideration how any of them might be feeling about all of this. I'm surprised Jordan or Ben aren't worse than they seem, but then again some people can hide emotions better than others.

Everyone became silent so out of habit I pull my phone out. My heart broke once again at the sight of my phone background. Two weeks ago the guys and I had decided to get away from the rest of the bands for the night, and drug her out to go bowling with us.

All in all it was a great night.


"Ugh why are you guys dragging me here? I suck at bowling if you didn't already figure that out when we had the charity event in Arizona," Claire grumbled from the passenger seat.

"Vic take a left," Mike said from behind me completely ignoring Claire's complaints.

I glanced over at Claire to see here intently watching the passing scenery before back at the road. She's gorgeous, and I wish I just had the balls to ask her to be mine already.

"I'm surprised you guys didn't ask Blessthefall to join us to get some revenge," She spoke up without looking away from the window.

Jesse chuckled a bit before speaking up, "We already lost our Xbox once. We're not risking that again."

"It's on the left," Mike said quickly causing me to jerk the car into the turn lane.

"Damn Vic don't kill us," Hime said from the back of the van. I figure he was on the floor now. Once we parked the rest of the guys quickly rushed into the building eager to play while Claire took her time to get out of the van.

Without thinking I pressed her against the van and kissed her taking her by surprise. She quickly reacted and wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me back, "Mmm Vic."

I pulled away kissing her nose before resting our foreheads together, "Yeah?"

"We should probably get inside," She grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together before leading me to the building.

For the first game she sat out and watched the four of us be stupid and trip each other every once and awhile. In the end Mike had won, but I was only five points behind him.

"Awe Vic I'm sorry," Claire said lowly as she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. I could feel her breath on my neck causing my body to shiver due to the cold room around us.

"You two are adorable," When I looked up Jesse was standing there looking at something on his phone before walking up and showing the picture he took of she and I.

So some sad and some Fluff.

Kind of a filler because I wanted to do a chapter in Vic Point of View.

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