Chapter 24

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We haven't even been here for an hour and I was already lost. While Tony and Jaime were leading me to their dressing room, or was it their table? Ugh I don't even remember, but either way I'm lost.

"Claire what are you doing?" Bryan's familiar voice pulled me from my thoughts. When he and I made eye contact I felt my face go pale at the sight of Jordan with him, "Claire?"

I cleared my throat and took a step away from them, "I um- I lost Jaime and Tony."

"What did Vic already toss you to the side like all his other whores?" Jordan mumbled without a care. What even happened to him in these last two months? He was so sweet to me before all this shit with Vic happened. I mean he's still nice to everyone else...

"Jordan," Bryan hissed shooting the younger boy a glare.

The dark haired boy just shrugged his warning off before pinning me between him and a table. Everyone was too busy talking to notice, "does Vic even know how to make you feel good? Your weaknesses? Have you even fucking told him about Jackson?"

Before I knew what I was doing my hands were pressed on his chest and I shoved him away from me, "it's none of your fucking business Jordan. If you haven't realized this yet, Vic and I are taking this slow. Technically we aren't even dating."

"I also take it that you haven't told him about your abusive, rapist of an ex-boyfriend. You fucking told me about him within the first week of me knowing you. We had sex the first time you fucking came to my house!" I winced at the memory of that day, "face it Claire you and I have something that you and Vic will never have!"

"You will never match up to Vic," my voice was dark compared to its usual upbeat tone. Jordan and Bryan both took a step away from me out of fear, "the way you're acting, is one of a child whose parents won't give them what they want."

"At least I know what I want," with that Bryan grabbed Jordan's arm and pulled him away from me.


The show was going to be starting soon, and I still haven't found any of the guys. At this point I was sitting at a random table alone.

"Hey," I glanced up to see Lynn Gunn take a seat next to me. Her face held a worried but helpful look which made me smile.

"Hi," I replied lowly, "you don't have to worry about me okay? I'm just having a bad night."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I'll admit I was glad she was trying to talk to me. If I had been alone for any longer I probably would've gone crazy. I must've been quiet for longer than I thought because I felt her hand on my necklace, "where did you get this?"

A smile formed on my face at the recent memory, "oh um, Vic gave it to me a couple days go actually."


Vic and I were lying on the roof of the bus just staring up at the stars. His arm was protectively around my waist to prevent me from falling.

I grabbed the bottle of Jack we'd brought up here to pass time. It was almost empty now, but the two of us were barely even buzzed. That really shows how much we've been drinking the last couple of days...

"I kind of like the way you tell me, 'baby please come home. I need you here right now. I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound.'" I smiled at Vic's low singing and turned over so my left arm and leg were draped over his front.

"Vic?" I lightly drew circles on his bare chest as his hand brushed through my long hair, "can you explain how it feels when you know you're in love?"

"Well, you want to be around them constantly. Your heart will speed up whenever you see or hear something related to them," he paused for a second before leaning his neck forward so he could look at me, "whenever you're with them time feels like it's stopped."

His lips lightly pressed against mine, "Vic I think I'm falling in love with you..."

He pressed his forehead against mine and smiled slightly, "I know I'm in love with you." My breath hitched in my throat at his comment. Heat rose to my cheeks and he kissed me once again before putting something in my hand.

"W-what's this?" I asked slightly out of breath from shock and the kisses.

"It's a message in a bottle. I just, if something ever happens to us. Like if we fight, or you go back to Australia after the tour. I'd like you to open it and read it, but only then." I nod and quickly put the necklace around my neck. Along with the bottle there was a small gold V attached to the chain.

"Thank you."


"Speaking of Vic he's over there," Lynn said lowly after listening to my story. I glanced in the direction she was pointing and sure enough he was standing there scanning the room slowly.

"Thank you for staying and talking to me," I said to Lynn with a small smile, "I probably would've had a mental breakdown if you hadn't.

"It's really not a problem. If you ever need to talk my door is always open. I know how it feels to be surrounded by guys constantly. Us girls need to stick together," she joked before getting to her feet and pushing the chair in.

"I'll be sure to take up your offer," the two of us shared a quick hug and when I turned to head after Vic he was already in front of me with a worried expression on his face.

"God I've been looking for you for the last thirty minutes!" His arms sling around me tightly, "Jaime and Tony said they couldn't find you."

"Yeah I just got caught up in a conversation with Lynn." Lie.

He pulled away and looked down at my face, "you look like you've been crying Claire."

"I mean I was laughing a lot," I awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of my neck. Another lie.

"Alright," he chuckled slightly and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I have a surprise for you."

I don't know what to ask.

Do you want to know anything about me?

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