Chapter 12

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The five of us had ended up at this lake that Mike had found. Along the way we had kidnapped a stray Patty Walters as well as Andy Biersack and Juliet Simms. They were honestly the cutest couple I've ever seen.

"So, where is Vic?" Patty asked from his spot behind me. My mind immediately pictured him alone on the bus causing me to let out a sigh.

Mike answered for me, "he's not really having a good day, so we let him stay on the bus and write." Patty only nods in understanding before turning and looking out of the window.

Mike's hand fell on top of mine and squeezed it lightly, "hey, he'll be okay don't worry. Just let loose and have some fun." I only nod and watch the trees passing us by.

The sky was gloomy compared to the usual sunny skies I've been used to for the past few days. I became lost in my thoughts again before realizing we'd arrived at our destination. Jaime opened my door and pulled me onto his back before running towards the lake, "Hime put me down!"

"Never!" He charged faster towards the dock before jumping in with me still on his back. Once our bodies hit the water we drifted apart and I soon swam to the top for air.

"You're so fucking lucky I left my phone in the van to charge you idiot," I muttered while pulling myself back up on the dock. The rest of our group was in hysterics watching my reaction.

Jaime walked over to me and draped his arms around my neck setting his chin on the top of my head, "you're so short."

I glanced behind me to see how close we were to the edge before licking Jaime's hand causing him to jump away and right off the dock. Everyone began laughing again.


We'd been out here for probably six hours or so now, and I was definitely burnt from not wearing sunscreen. Jaime was beyond wasted by now and everyone else was well on their way except for me. I was voted designated driver, which I really didn't mind.

I pulled my hat out of my bag and quickly put it on so my face would avoid any more sun damage. At the same time I pulled out my phone which I hadn't used since we got out here.

When my screen turned on I found a message from Jordan and Bryan as well as five from Vic and two from my mom. I never did tell her I was back in the states...

I opened hers first.

'Just wanted to check on you since we haven't talked in a while.'

'Love you, come visit soon?'

I quickly responded that I would be seeing her in July before deleting Jordan and Bryan's messages and opening Vic's conversation.

'I walked out and everyone was gone. Where'd you go?' ~ 11:30am

'I heard something about a lake?' ~ 12:42pm

'Claire please answer me I'm getting worried.' ~ 2:19pm

'I'm going to the hotel.' ~ 3:04pm

'Please come back. I miss you.' ~ 4:53pm

I glanced up at the time to see that it was only 5:09 and let out a sigh.

'I have to wait for the guys to be ready. They're all drinking, and I'm not leaving them to drive back drunk.'

The message sent and I tucked my phone back into my bag allowing a frown to cover my face. Jaime ran over practically tripping on his feet before pulling me up to mine, "can we go for a walk?"

He had a giddy smile on his face and I respond with a nod as he began leading me down the shoreline in the opposite direction, "did you want to talk about something?"

Jaime only shrugs keeping his eyes on the sand in front of us, "I just wanted to ask if you were enjoying yourself. You seemed kind of upset."

"It's just that Vic texted me and asked if I could go back to the hotel and spend time with him," I let out a frustrated groan and run my hand through my hair.

Jaime stopped and grabbed my hand so I'd turn and look at him, "are you and him like a thing?"

"No, we aren't together. I'll admit I have feelings for Vic, Hime, I just don't know how he feels about me," I lightly bit my lip, "he hasn't made any moves on me, and hasn't said anything so I figure he just wants to be friends."

"I don't think he believes you trust him enough to be in a relationship just yet," the words came out of him as if he were sober, "Vic doesn't want to get hurt again so it's obvious he's going to take it slow with you."

I nod slowly and let my head hang. Jaime brought his hand to my chin and lifted it slightly so he was looking me in the eyes, "he likes you a lot Claire. Don't doubt that. He's just scared."


Not long after Jaime and I got back from our walk the guys began packing everything back into the van so we could head back to the hotel for some much needed rest. Andy and Juliet were making out in the back of the van without a care in the world and Mike was making unnecessary gagging noises from the seat in front of them as I pulled onto the highway.

Jaime was lowly singing a song I didn't recognize from the passenger seat, "I like your voice Hime-Time."

His face became red at my comment, "I uh... " I giggled at his stuttering before putting all my attention to the road ahead of me.

"Can we stop to use the restroom?" Beau groaned from the seat behind me, "I'm about to burst, and no one in here would appreciate that."

I looked around for any sign of a rest stop and let out a sigh of relief as an exit for one came up. Everyone except Jaime and I rushed out and into the bathroom leaving he and I alone to talk again, "so what were you singing earlier?"

"It um... It was this song I write for an old EP a few years ago called Anatome." he replied shyly.

"Would you sing it for me later?" I asked and he smiled and nodded as the boys piled back into the van and we were off once again.

So apparently Jaime gives good advice when he's drunk in this story haha. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm uploading the next one after I finish editing it.

Have you ever met a band member?

I met and got a hug from everyone in As It Is. They are so sweet.

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