Chapter 1

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A weight fell on top of my body causing me to jump awake only to find my dark haired friend laid on top of me, "Claire please come with me!"

"Jordan we had this discussion yesterday," I pulled my comforter over my face in hopes that he'd leave me alone.

He didn't, "Claire it's a bunch of your favorite bands! You have to come with me. I need my best friend!"

I sighed and tossed the comforter off of me, "You know I can't go back to America. You know why I left..."

The boy grabbed my hands, "Nothing will happen to you Claire. I swear. You're going to be with us the whole time anyways. I promise."

Our eyes met for a minute and I finally gave in, "Alright. I'll go as long as you promise I get top bunk."

I smirked and he chuckled a bit at my request, "Then we've got a deal." With that he began to help me pack for our flight.


"Johnnie!" I glanced up from the luggage area to find none other than Bryan Stars and Johnnie Guilbert hugging my friend.

While they had their reunion I pulled Jordan and I's luggage off the carrier before making my way over to the boys, "Hey I think I'm going to head to the hotel since we're leaving so early tomorrow."

"Jordan you dog, you didn't tell us you had a girl!" Bryan said while punching Jordan in the arm.

I chuckle lowly and shook my head at the blonde," "Oh him? Blech he's not my boyfriend," I said while slinging my arm around Jordan's shoulders, "I'm too old for him anyways."

"Oh, well never mind then," His facial expression was unreadable which caused me to laugh slightly, "So are you guys ready to head to the hotel?"

Jordan and I nod in response and follow Bryan to his car.


The night consisted of videos, food, videos, and more videos. Apparently the other members of My Digital Escape are visiting as well; they will be joining us at Warped tomorrow so I've been stuck in Jordan and I's room with nothing to do. I didn't want to risk the chance of being in one of their videos by accident.

My phone buzzed from next to me signaling that it was time to get up and head out to the bus, and I knew the others were going to miss it. I shot Jordan a quick text before getting to my feet and grabbing both of our bags and heading down to the lobby.

I was shocked to find so many girls down there wearing band, YouTube, or Warped merch, and before I could get out the front door someone's arms snaked around my waist pulling me back causing me to scream and catch everyone's attention.

"Whoa, Claire are you okay?" I recognized the voice as Jordan's and tried to catch my breath again.

"Y-yeah." I kept my head down and walked out the door towards the bus quickly. Once I made it to the bus this guy stood there not allowing me on causing my tears to finally fall.

Just being back in this country is causing me to be overly guarded and constantly worried. I knew this was a bad idea, "Whoa Claire, hey calm down hon." My body had sunk to the ground and before I knew what was happening I was in Jordan's arms and he was walking me on the bus and to the back lounge area, "Please talk to me. Are you worried he's going to find you?"

He wiped my tears from my cheeks and kissed my forehead lightly, "I'm terrified Jordan. Not worried." The boy pulled me into his chest tightly, "I'm sorry this happened and it's only the first day. I haven't slept, I'm constantly shaking, and I feel like I have to keep my guard up."

"No matter what you think I swear he's not going to find you," The dark haired boy intertwined our fingers causing me to smile slightly, and curl into his chest.

"Did you wake everyone else up?" I glanced up and Jordan's eyes were wide, "I take that as a no." With that he jumped up and ran off the bus.

Soon after he left, I got to my feet to claim my bunk above Jordan's, and made my way to the front to talk to the driver a bit about the boys.

"God damn you lazy people," I turned my head to spot everyone else making their way on the bus and back to the bunks. Jordan walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I hope she didn't annoy you too much." The driver, Derek, and I chuckled before Jordan led me to the couch with him.

"So what are we going to do first?" A boy with greenish yellow hair bounced into the main room as the bus began pulling off causing him to fall.

Johnnie walked in behind the boy and laughed, "Well first off we need to teach you how to stand again, Damon."

"Ha ha very funny Johnnie," The boy stuck his hand out asking for help up, which Bryan did when he walked back in.

"Well everyone else is meeting us at the arena, and we should be there in about ten. I'd say everyone get ready so we can roll out as soon as we arrive," Bryan said, sounding quite professional, taking a seat on my other side.

"Sounds good to me," I replied watching the rest of the boys fighting over the bathroom.

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