Chapter 33

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I've been silent from the moment I told Tony what happened. As soon as we landed in Utah, Jordan and Ben met us at the airport to take us to the hospital.

"I'm warning you," Ben said while grabbing my hand tightly, "Claire, he's in bad shape."

"Vic?" I practically choked out, not taking my eyes off of my hands. I feel guilty and I didn't have anything really to do about it.

Ben tightened his grip on my hand as Jordan spoke up, "Claire... Alex is dying. The doctors can't do anything to help him..."

My jaw dropped at his words. No, he can't be telling the truth. Alex has to be alright. He has so much planned, and so much to live for. Jesse is home waiting for him...

"Claire?" I glanced up at Tony who looked guilty. "W-We're here. Before we go in can I please talk too?"

I bite my lip and nod slightly before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the car, "What do you want to talk about Tony?"

"I'm sorry Claire. I shouldn't have started that and I'm sorry it looked like I was going to hit you. I was moving to run my hand through my hair. It's a nervous habit," Tony rambled worriedly.

"Tone," I sighed and met his eyes. He was terrified. Instead of speaking I wrapped him into a tight hug. I know he'd never hit me, I'm just extremely paranoid.

It took him a moment, but he melted into the hug and pulled me tighter to him, "Claire... You need to go get Vic. He really loves you, and I know you feel the same for him. Tell him your reasoning for hiding. He'll be too happy that you're alive to worry about the lie."

"W-what if he's not okay Tone?" I felt myself choke slightly while trying to get the words out. Even though it's a pessimistic view on this, it was stuck in the back of my mind. What if Vic died? What if he dies thinking I'm gone? He doesn't deserve that. He has so much going for him.

"Don't think like that Claire," He kissed the top of my head before grabbing my hand, "I hope you don't mind that I told Mike and Jaime that you're okay." I shot him a look and he put his hands up in surrender, "I really had no choice Claire..."

"It's fine..." We walked into the hospital waiting room with Ben and Jordan right behind us. As soon as the doors closed every one's eyes were glued to me. Some were glaring, others were shocked.

The first one to speak up was Matty which scared the shit out of me, "What the actual fuck?" He jumped up from his chair and poked my cheek before jumping away as if I was going to bite him or something.

"Can you do me a favor and not touch me?" I groaned and nervously ran my hand through my hair.

Matty went back to his seat in silence and Mike was the next to speak up, "He's asleep right now, but if you want to go in there you can."

"H-he's okay?" I heard someone scoff, but chose to ignore it.

Mike nods sticking his hand out for me to grab as if he was scared to touch me. I took it quickly and let him lead me out of the room. "He's okay. He was kind of critical when they pulled him out of the car, but he woke up when they got him in the ambulance. There's no big damage except that he'll probably suffer from severe migraines a lot."

"I take it he hit his head hard?" He nods before stopping in front of a door. Mike quickly pulled me into a tight hug and I was shocked to hear him sniffle a bit, "Mike?"

"I-I'm sorry. I just didn't know if Tony was telling the truth when he said you were okay over the phone, and now you're here." He kissed my cheek lightly, "Claire, Jesus Christ, I've been a mess. Now this happens to Vic."

Before he could go on I squeezed him again allowing silence to envelope around us. He kissed my cheek before leaving me alone in front of the door that would change everything. I'm going to see Vic again. I'm going to beg for his forgiveness, and maybe we'll be okay...

My hand fell on the knob and I quickly turned it, taking a deep breath, and entered the room slowly. Vic was laid on the bed with some wires hooked up to him, but nothing drastic which made me calm down slightly.

He looked peaceful for someone who hasn't slept much. The bags under his eyes were still prevalent, but not as bad as they were a few days ago. I pulled a chair up next to his bed and pulled his hand into mine tightly, "Vic?"

I knew he wasn't going to respond but I still paused, "I'm so fucking sorry babe. I can't believe I left you, at the time I felt like it was the best choice I had. I was terrified after what happened with Jackson."

A staggering breath left me and I laid my head down on the hospital bed before continuing my apology, "You're nothing like him and it made me feel like I wasn't worth your time. I'm like a used and broken toy, and you deserve so much better than me..."

"But in this past week that I've been away I've realized something," I paused and leaned up to press a light kiss to his lips, "Victor Vincent Fuentes I'm so fucking in love with you that it physically hurts."

A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I finished. My eyes scanned the room and met Vic's black acoustic sitting behind me. Without thinking I grabbed it and propped it on my lap strumming a bit. I haven't really played much since I was a teen, although Jordan and I would screw around and play at times.

I quickly began strumming some familiar chords allowing a smile to form on my face as I did so and softly sung the words of the song, "You've turn my life around. So far off the ground. Pick me up, I'm falling down. And it's all because of you. And I don't know what to do. I'm falling in, I think I'm falling in love with you."

This song has always had a place in my heart. I messed up when Jordan slammed the door open and frantically sprinting over to me with tears in his eyes, "C-Claire s-something happened."

I heard Vic groan from next to me and open his eyes slightly. He jumped to a sitting position when he noticed me sitting next to the bed before clutching his head tightly. I diverted my attention from Vic back to Jordan who now had tears rolling down his face, "Jordan what the hell happened?"

"Claire, Alex just died."

What am I even doing anymore??

If you haven't realized Yeah Boy and Doll Face is my favorite Pierce the Veil song :)

Stay Beautiful xx

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