Chapter 17

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After allowing Vic to clean my face up I pulled a tampon out of my bag and stuffed it in my nose out of habit. I'll admit it's embarrassing to walk around your crush with such a thing up your nose, but it's better than blood gushing down your face.

"So I guess my period came early this month..." I mumbled trying to lighten the mood a little, but not succeeding.

Vic grabbed a rag and wiped away any remaining traces of blood left on my face before throwing it in the laundry basket, "are you okay?" He cupped my cheeks with his hands rubbing them lightly with his thumbs.

"Yeah I'm fine Vic," I replied with a soft chuckle, "I used to play soccer in high school. This is common to me."

His mouth formed a slight 'o' shape before smiling down at me, "I didn't know you played soccer. How did I not figure this out earlier? That explains why your footwork was so good."

"You're a huge dork Victor," a chuckle erupted from my chest and I pulled him into a tight hug before taking a seat on the couch. He followed in suit, pulling me into his chest, and allowing silence to surround us. It was honestly quite calming, "Vic?"

"Yeah?" A sweet smile formed on his lips causing me to smile in return. He really was a beautiful human being. From his long chestnut hair, to his big brown eyes, his soft lips, his tan skin, and even his height. Compared to the rest of the band he was considerably short, but I found his height to be perfect. "Claire?"

I shook my head trying to pull myself out of my thoughts of the boy in front of me, "oh yeah, I'm sorry," a blush tinted my cheeks, "I was wondering if you'd play me one of your songs that you aren't performing here."

Vic seemed confused by my request, but only nodded and pulled the guitar lying next to the couch into his lap. He strummed a few chords before looking up into my eyes and beginning the song, "I breathe you in with smoke in the backyard lights."

A smile was spread across his lips as he became lost in the song, "I wanna hold your hand so tight I'm gonna break my wrist." He shot me a wink.

"This isn't fair," he closed his eyes tightly; "don't you try to blame this on me. My love for you was bulletproof, but you're the one who shot me." I bit listening intently to the lyrics leaving his mouth.

He looked slightly pained, but at the same time calm and pleased with the song, "nothing to do, but scream at the drunken moon." Vic continued playing some chords to finish the song out. He slowly slid the guitar back to where it originally was before making eye contact with me again.

"I really do like your voice," I whispered trying to break awkward tension lingering in the room. Vic smiled slightly at me before leaning in a kissing me once again. My hands tangled their way into his long hair causing a low moan to escape his mouth. I chuckle and begin to kiss down his jaw before sucking lightly on his collar bone. His hand slammed over his mouth to keep from moaning.

Vic quickly flipped us over so he was now in control which took me by surprise. He nibbled lightly on my earlobe and I bit my lip hard to surpass my moans. This task turned out to be even harder when he slowly pecked down my neck and pulled on the waist band of the sweats I was borrowing.

Our eyes met for a split second before he tucked his head back in my neck causing a loud moan to escape my mouth. He responded with a groan and pressed his body closer to mine. I ran my fingers around the hem of his tank top before pulling it up slightly so my hands could roam his bare chest.

"Fuck," Vic lowly muttered under his breath before kissing my lips once again. I was too lost in Vic to hear footsteps and talking from outside the bus.

My eyes widened when the door to the bus flew open, "what the fuck?!" Mike.

Vic jumped quickly away from me before staring up at his younger brother and Jaime in shock. The two shared an expression of knowingness and horror, "h-hey guys..."

Nice Vic... "Don't 'hey guys' us. What's going on?" Jaime was completely horrified by the situation he'd just witnessed. Haha situations...God damn it Claire be serious for once. You were just caught making out with lead singer of the band you're staying with...

"Well the clock over there is on as well as the fridge and the-" He was cut off by a death glare from Mike. "Okay Claire and I were making out."

"How long has this been going on Vic? You just got out of a relationship man. I think it'd be best if you waited a little so the fans don't think you're a whore," Mike lectured his older brother while taking a seat on the couch across from me.

I shot Vic a look, "it was only today. We got caught up in a moment and let our emotions get the best of us."

Jaime gave me a look as if asking if this was the truth. I respond with a curt nod before turning back to Mike, "ugh just don't let it happen again. I like Claire and I really don't want her or you having to deal with the fans wrath."

A sigh escaped my mouth when Mike turned the TV on instead of pressing the situation farther. Jaime took a seat next to me and shot me a small smile before poking my side. I giggle and cover my stomach, "don't do that it tickles."

The spiky haired boy smirked at what I said before poking me again and again before I was stuck in a fit of laughter, "Hime... stop! Can't... Breathe." I said in between laughs.

"Say Jaime is the sexiest man alive and no one could ever compete with his astonishing good looks," he stopped for a second expecting me to actually say it.

"Never!" I shouted before he began tickling me again. Eventually the tickling stopped and I heard an 'oof' come from Jaime before there was a thump on the floor.

"Oh this is so on Victor," Jaime threw the pillow back at the long haired boy causing an all-out pillow fight to begin and feathers to be scattered around the living area. The boys were careful to avoid hitting me in the face due to my nose. I laughed when Vic and Jaime surrendered to Mike and I.

"Wimps," I muttered before throwing the pillow at Vic as hard as I could. It actually knocked him slightly off balance.

"Man I wish Tone was here..." Jaime whispered sadly from his spot on the floor. They'd mentioned their missing member a few times since I'd arrived on this bus. Apparently he'd gotten in this horrible mountain biking accident right before the tour began so he wasn't able to perform which is why Jesse is here. Speaking of which where is Jesse?

Mike sighed, "we'll see him in a couple of days. Maybe he'll be able to get on stage and perform with us for the show."

I shot the boys a confused look which Vic noticed, "we're preforming at the Alternative Press Music awards on the twenty second. Tony is nominated for best guitarist and I best singer. Although I know Haley will definitely be winning that category."

The smile on his face showed me that he really didn't care about winning the award. He was just happy to be nominated.

"We should Skype him when we get to the hotel," Jaime suggested from his spot on the floor. Everyone agreed then began getting ready for the show tonight.

Yay for Turtle finally entering the story!

So is anyone here a fan of Bullet For My Valentine, Three Days Grace, or Breaking Benjamin?

I'm seeing them again later this month and am super excited!

Until next time lovelies!

Comment & Vote! ^.^

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