Chapter 30

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Tony watched me intently as I ate my burger. As soon as we landed in California we stopped at some restaurant to grab a late night dinner, and he's been giving me a disgusted look since I ordered.

"Is there something on my face? Why are you giving me that look?" I frustratingly asked the tall boy in front of me. He just shook his head and took another bite of his salad, and then it hit me. Tony's a vegetarian, "Wow I'm oblivious."

"That you are my friend," He chuckled before taking another bite of his leaf food. I could never be vegetarian; meat is too good for that.

"Tone I'm sorry," I said before finishing my burger.

He gave me a confused look, but was still smiling, "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who chose to live like this."

"No Tony, I mean I'm sorry that I'm making you hide this from one of your best friends," I replied sadly looking down at my hands, "Just think about it in my point of view. Vic is talented, sweet, nice on the eyes, and all around a great person. I'm no match for him. I'll just drag him down in the long run."

"Claire, I'm just scared that Vic is going to take this a lot harder than you think he will," Tony muttered taking another bite of his salad, "Vic really isn't mentally stable right now. He hasn't been for a while actually."

Out of habit I began messing with the rings on my fingers, "H-he'll be okay Tone. Vic- Vic's strong he can get through anything."

"He's been left like this before Claire. Multiple times actually. He'll take it as he did something wrong to make you want to leave if he finds out you're alive," Tony said after finishing his food.

I wouldn't make eye contact with him, "Tony he'll be okay without me. All of you will be. Maybe not right this minute, but everyone moves on from pain eventually."

"Yeah, but it always comes back later in life," he muttered while dropping a fifty dollar bill on the table and heading towards the door without me.


"This is your room," Tony's voice was dark as he opened the door to his small guest room. We haven't really talked since the restaurant which really bothered me for some reason.

During the car ride home I received yet another phone call from Vic which reminded me to get my phone fixed soon. I'm confused as to why he keeps calling me, but I won't be able to find out until I get my phone fixed because I can barely see my screen anymore.

"Thank you Tony." I awkwardly replied while walking into the room and dropping my bags in front of the bed. He sighed and sent me a curt nod before closing the door behind me.

The walls were bare, and all that was in there was a dresser in the corner of the room and a queen sized bed pressed against the far wall. The room was relatively small compared to mine back in Australia, but it was still a good size for someone who's just visiting.

I quickly began throwing my shirts into one of the drawers and frowned when I pulled out one of Vic's tank tops. His cologne practically radiated off it causing me to smile slightly at the memory of him before tossing the shirt over my shoulder.

Not long after, my belongings were put away and I jumped on the bed to relax a little. I pulled my MacBook on my lap before playing some All Time Low to get my mind on something else.

When I minimized the screen I felt my heart skip a beat. I'd completely forgotten that I changed my background to this.


"Vic I can't skate!" I shrieked and tightly gripped the belt loops of his shorts. He had his arms tightly wrapped around my waist as we long boarded down the sidewalk in Palm Beach, Florida.

"I'm not going to let you fall," his hot breath was on my neck causing me to shiver. Vic had snuck us out of the venue to have some alone time before his set, but from the looks of the sky he wasn't going to have a set. The sky was practically black and the wind was beginning to pick up slightly.

His lips on my neck brought me out of my thoughts, "What are you doing Victor?" I chuckled and swatted at him.

"I don't know," I could tell he was smirking from the tone of his voice, "but I do know that you're fucking gorgeous."

I blushed and tightened my grip on his belt loops, "No my friend, that is you."

He chuckled and moved his foot so he could begin slowing the board down, "So what do you want to do beautiful?"

A rain drop hit my nose making me chuckle, "This." I turned toward Vic and quickly pressed my lips on his. He responded by tightly wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

When I pulled away Vic pushed some of my hair out of my face before grabbing his board and my hand. After what seemed like forever it began to downpour. You'd think there was a hurricane outside from the looks of it.

We sat in a booth at IHOP soaking wet laughing our asses off.

"You have a little water," Vic started and paused laughing at my facial expression, "everywhere."

"Oh I never would've guessed," I muttered and stuck my tongue out at him. He returned it before the waitress came up to get our orders.

She looked to be in about her early twenties and she was honestly really pretty. She smiled at both Vic and I before speaking up, "I saw you two walk in together and you're the cutest couple I've ever seen. How long have the two of you been together?"

"It's only been a few weeks," Vic replied with a smile and squeezing my hand tightly before kissing the back of it. She quickly took our orders before leaving Vic and I to ourselves again.

Our silence was comfortable, and I had my head leaned on his shoulder as we waited for our food. Vic had gotten a text from Jaime not long ago announcing that warped was evacuated a couple minutes ago, and everyone was stuck on their buses.

The hard rainfall was comforting and caused me to smile. Before I knew what was happening I heard a click from a photo being taken. Vic smiled and kissed the top of my head lightly taking another one. He chuckled and I leaned up to kiss his cheek before hearing the click again.

"You're so cute," he said causing me to giggle before kissing him lightly on the lips. Another click.


I smiled at the memory and pull the hem of my shirt up slightly to see the tattoo I'd gotten that day.

'But if your lighting lips aren't mine, then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right.' As the lyrics go on they form a spiral on my hip. All that comes to mind when I see it is though is the first day in Pomona when Vic sung Yeah Boy and Doll Face to me...

I just don't even know what to say about this. My Clic feels are real, and they're messing me up haha.

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