Chapter 19

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Have you ever tried to get all of your clothes washed and dried within the span of two hours? Let me tell you, it's not fun. Especially when the washer and dryer for the hotel you're staying in doesn't work. The boys had decided not to wake me up, or even inform me that we were going to a party on the beach.

I pulled my, finally, dried clothes out of the dryer before quickly folding them and tossing them into my bag and heading to the elevators. Screaming was present, and I knew it had to be the YouTubers...

Note to self, talk to Jordan soon. I think my embarrassment had almost worn off from the first week. Especially since everyone was more focused on what was going on with Vic and I to even remember Jordan and I's past.

Before I knew what was happening I was tackled to the ground causing a scream to erupt from my mouth. "Johnnie get off her!" Jordan's panicked voice brought me out of my scared state. It's only Johnnie...

"Jeez dude sorry," Johnnie mumbled before giving me a hand up. All the guys were here even Richie (Social Repose). Jordan grabbed my clothes that had fallen before handing them to me.

"We really need to talk..." He whispered and I just let out a frustrated sigh before looking at his face for the first time in weeks.

"Jordan, right now I can't okay? I know you have feelings for me, and I'm sorry but I don't return them. I just want to be friends..." The expression on his face looked crushed so I quickly spun on my heel and sprinted to the elevator.

God I'm such a bad friend. How could I just go and say that in front of all of them. It should've been a private conversation between he and I. Fuck Claire what did you just do? Why won't this fucking elevator hurry up? God damn it!

The doors finally opened revealing a confused Matty Mullins standing there in only his swim trunks. I quickly ran in the elevator, not caring what I looked like, and pressed the button for my floor.

"Claire?" Matty said in a low whisper not wanting to upset me anymore. I didn't respond, "hey hon look at me," his soft voice was kind of soothing. I slowly turned and he sent me a small smile wiping my tears away, "now why is a beautiful girl like you crying?"

I only shook my head before taking a seat on the floor, dropping my clothes next to me. Matty followed my movements before grabbing my hand and rubbing circles on the back with his thumb, "I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

"What do you mean?" He asked at the elevator stopped on my floor. I tried to get up, but he only pulled me back down, "sorry hon you're not getting out of this one."

"I mean exactly what I said. I'm not doing anything useful with my life right now. I was supposed to be on this tour to spend time with my best friend, and instead I ended up arguing with him and making out with Vic Fuentes," I dropped my head into my hands groaning in frustration.

The boy was silent for a second as the elevator rode up and down the floors, "well, have you ever thought about the reason you are still here?"

"Yes, I'm still here because I'd feel bad for just up and disappearing on everyone," I whispered lowly.

"Are you sure there isn't another reason?" Matty gave me a look, "I've seen the way you and Vic act around each other."

I was defeated, "I'm still here because I'm falling for Vic. I don't want to though." Whenever I get close to someone it always backfires on me. Like with Jackson.

"With Vic you don't really need to worry about him doing something wrong. He's like that helpless romantic guy that every girl in high school dreams of meeting," Matty leaned back against the window of the elevator, "he's the one that every girl wants, but can't have. You got me?"

I nod in agreement, "I don't even know why he's so interested in me. I'm just a random fucked up twenty seven year old who moved to Australia when she turned nineteen."

A chuckle came from him before he erupted into a fit of laughter, "You're not just some random girl to him. I can promise you that much," with that said the elevator reached the lobby and he got to his feet, "will I see you at the bonfire tonight?" I nod and smile slightly which he returned before leaving me alone once again.

Soon enough I was back in the boy's room and it was empty. I flicked on the TV before dumping the clothes on the bed Vic and I chose to share tonight. The room was oddly quiet without the boys in here.

My thoughts wondered to Vic causing a smile to form on my face. I wrapped my arms tightly around my body remembering I was in one of his shirts. What even are we?

My thoughts were interrupted by the door to the room unlocking and shutting quietly causing me to freak out slightly. The boys would've made a bunch of noise wouldn't they?

"Claire you awake?" Vics face appeared in the doorway causing my panic to quickly subside. He always did have a way of calming me down didn't he? "I'll take that as a yes."

He crossed the room before pecking my lips lightly and taking a seat next to me on the bed, "so where are the other guys?"

"They're waiting for us in the lobby. Did you finish your homework?" He didn't know this, but I had actually finished it on the bus that day. I just used it as an excuse to talk to Lynn on imessage.

"Yeah, just give me a minute so I can put a pair of jeans on," Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him.

"You look perfect the way you are now," I glanced down at his baggy tank that was had the front tucked into my black running shorts.

"Vic I look like shit," I mumbled. Vic's lips were against mine once again.

"You're beautiful no matter what you wear."

God I love their relationship. The picture at the top is Claire!

So do you ship anyone? (Kellic, Cashby, Fuenciado, etc.)

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