Chapter 7

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It was now around midnight and all of us except for Johnnie and Jordan were wasted. Vic was hysterically laughing on the floor for no reason; Mike was chugging a bottle of whiskey; Jaime was talking nonsense, and Bryan, Damon, and Jesse were trying to make a human pyramid.

"Guys let's play I have never," Jaime drunkenly requested.

This caused me to laugh, "You mean never have I ever Hime-Time?" A smile formed on his face and he shook his head like a little kid.

The group quickly shifted so we were sitting in a circle. Vic sat on my right before dropping his head on my shoulder and hand on my thigh. Jordan stiffened from his side of the room, but he brushed it off in hopes that no one would notice.

"Okay so who wants to start?" Johnnie asked while putting up five fingers.

Everyone copies him before Mike spoke up, "I will. Loser has to come on the other bus and be their slave."

"Okay," everyone muttered determined to win this stupid party game.

Mike glanced around before speaking up, "never have I ever lived in a foreign country." With that Jordan and I both put a finger down.

It moved to Jesse, "never have I ever had a crush on a member of Pierce the Veil." My eyes widened slightly and I felt my cheeks heat up as I put a finger down. Bryan and Johnnie reluctantly put one down also.

"Oh someone got a crush," Alex said while winking at me, "never have I ever sung on stage."

With that Jordan, Johnnie, and all the members of Pierce the Veil put fingers down. A few more people went and Vic had two fingers left, Jaime had three, Mike had two, Jordan had two, Jesse had four, Damon had three, Bryan had two, Johnnie had three, and I was left with one.

"I feel like I'm being ganged up on," everyone chuckled and it was now Jaime's turn again.

He glanced around and smirked, "I doubt anyone will put a finger down for this one but I can't think of anything else. Never have I ever had sex with anyone in this room."

I put my head down as both Jordan and I put a finger down leaving the room in silence. Everyone's eyes were on us, and I felt myself beginning to have a panic attack.

Vic grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me outside to the balcony once again. "Hey Claire, listen to me. You need to calm down." He cupped my cheeks in his hands and my eyes locked with his once again, but this time I didn't pull away. My heavy breathing soon vanished, but his hands didn't.

"Claire talk to me," his hands left my face, but one soon found my hand and squeezed it. Instead of speaking he pulled me into his chest and ran his free hand through my hair soothingly, "you and Jordan?"

I pulled my face out of Vic's chest and sigh, "Jordan and I used to be friends with benefits. We didn't know if we wanted to be together at the time, but we did know we had some kind of feelings for each other."

"So you just found it easier to just have sex than to put a label on it," he replied understandingly, "I had a relationship like that in the past. It didn't end well though."

"What happened?" Vic pulled me over to the chairs and began telling me about his song One Hundred Sleepless Nights and the girl who was behind the song. Society now is just cruel and don't know how relationships work anymore.


Vic and I were out there for what seemed like hours and before we knew it the sun was rising signaling another day of shows and having to face Jordan on the bus. "You should probably go pack; the busses are leaving in an hour."

"Yeah you too," I pulled the jacket Vic had given me earlier off and tried to give it back to him, "I think I'm going to watch your set today. Mike asked me to come the other day at the MMF party."

A smile formed on his face as he opened the door for me, "I hope to see you there then."

The first thing I noticed once walking into the room was a shirtless Jaime lying face down on the floor and a beyond hung over Mike hanging off the side of one of the beds. Jesse walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in hand when Vic closed the door. "Um I don't know what to do about them."

"Good luck Victor," I said while playfully punching him in the arm and heading for the door.


For most of the day the guys and I have been trying our best to avoid each other. They've been off vlogging and meeting fans while I've been hanging out with Ben and the rest of the Asking Alexandria crew.

"God damn it Sam put me down!" I tried to yell seriously but ended up failing. Denis, Ben, and Sam have been throwing old beer cans at each other all morning; one of which hit me. I retaliated by throwing it at Sam, and now we're here.

"Never gonna happen beautiful," he kept running through the bus parking lot, almost hitting my head a couple of times before stopping. Someone was singing which must have been what made him stop, "I haven't heard him play that song in forever."

Sam finally put me down before sitting on the ground and listening to the familiar voice singing in the distance. "Who is it?" I asked taking a seat next to him.

"Go take a look for yourself," he said with a smile, "I need to head back to the bus to get ready for our show later, and you have a show to get to." he gave me a quick wink before getting up and running off.

After an inward debate I finally built up the courage to see who was singing only to realize the song had changed. I quickly turned the corner to find Vic sitting on a chair playing an acoustic guitar alone. He seemed so lost in the music which I found to be absolutely beautiful.

He looked to be in his own world, and it was absolutely amazing to watch. His eyes were tightly shut, and his body was relaxed instead of its usual tense structure. "She's like a bullet through an ocean, I still remember how you moved so slow."

My eyes widened when I stepped on a twig causing Vic to strum off key and open his eyes abruptly. "Shit I'm sorry." He opened his mouth as if to say something, but just shut it and stared down at his guitar, "Vic, are you okay?"

I moved forward and squatted in front of him so I could see his face, "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." he put on a fake smile and I frowned in response.

"I won't press the subject if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here if you need to talk to someone who doesn't know you enough to judge what you have to say," Vic bit his bottom lip lightly before looking up at me.

His eyes reminded me of ones of a scared child, "if we ever get to that point of trust I promise I'll tell you. I just don't like talking to people about my problems. I usually just write about them."

"You're a musician so I can understand that," Vic's eyes began to wander before getting to his feet and grabbing my hand.

"Do you want to come inside and get a drink?" He asked while not even looking at me. I was way beyond confused with what was going on at the moment, so I just let him pull me into the bus behind him.

It was surprisingly cleaner than expected for it having four boys living here, but then again Vic seems like one of those clean freak types, "why are you being so nice to me?"

Vic pulled a beer out of the fridge before giving me a weird look and crossing the room to sit on one of the couches, "what do you mean?"

"You're the lead singer of one of the more popular bands here," my hands grabbed the end of my shirt, "why are you wasting your time to talk to me?"

He let out a dark chuckle which scared me slightly, "you know not all of us guys are bad right? I mean I saw you over with the Asking Alexandria boys earlier and they're the headliner. What's the difference?"

I sat down next to him and let out a long sigh, "it's all just weird to me. Ben and I met before he was famous which is why I'm so close to the guys."

Vic was about to say something else when Mike ran on the bus frantically, "there you are! Vic we're going on in ten, come on!"

"You coming?" Vic slowly got to his feet and stuck his hand out for me to grab. I nod and take it before letting him lead me towards the stage.

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