Chapter 29

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I glanced at Ben's sleeping figure next to me and frown slightly. Vic would've woken up as soon as I moved; he's never really been a deep sleeper. I sigh and curl up closer to Ben in hopes to find some comfort, but nothing helped.

"Pst Ben," fear surged through my body when I heard Denis' voice from outside the curtain. We must have just gotten to the next venue already...

As the curtain opened I quickly tucked my face into Ben's chest hoping not to be recognized, "When did Sam get here?" I recognized Cameron ask.

My worry dissipated when I realized they thought I was Ben's wife. 'Thank you Sam for having the same color hair as me,' I said inwardly. Not long after the door to the bus shut signaling that the rest of the band had left.

Ben began chuckling and I realized he'd been awake the whole time, "You fucking prick. I could've been caught!" I shouted while smacking his chest.

"Yeah, but you weren't," he paused and smirked at me, "Sam."

I rolled my eyes at the boy before jumping out of the bunk to get changed. Tony said he'd be meeting me here later to talk things over. The plan is for me to stay with him until Warped is over so I can fly back with Jordan and everything will be over.

"Hey you know I'm kidding right?" Ben awkwardly scratched the back of his neck after tossing a new tank top on and taking a seat at the table. I move in across from him and glance out the window to see people rushing around like any other day. "You know Pierce The Veil and Memphis May Fire are having moments of silence for you today right?"

"Tony didn't tell me that," I muttered, dropping the curtain and pulling out my shattered iPhone, "I really need to get this thing fixed..." Just then my phone began to ring causing me to jump slightly.

I glanced down at the caller ID expecting it to be Tony, but it was Vic. It made the hair on my neck stand up, and I felt my eyes begin to gloss over with tears.

"Hey who is that?" Ben asked trying to get my phone from me, but I only snatched it away and turned it on vibrate.

"N-no one important," I mumbled while getting to my feet, "I'm going to get changed; you should probably get out there for sound check."

He opened his mouth to object, but I closed the door to the bunks before he could. When I came back out he was gone.


Tony had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we made our way around the bus lot quietly. The sun was beginning to set, and being stuck on that bus was really making me sick. He loaned me one of his hoodies to wear around to avoid people noticing me.

"I think I'm going to cut my hair," I said lowly as we took another turn to avoid a crowd of people.

Tony stopped causing me to also, "What why?"

"It'll probably make it easier to not be recognized; especially since I'm staying with you for a month. Fans would take pictures of us if we go anywhere," I answered honestly.

He nods in understanding before grabbing my hand in his, "You know Vic is torn up because of you right? Think of what would happen in a couple of months if he finds out you're alive."

"He won't," I answered right away before pulling him behind me towards the Asking Alexandria bus.

"You know he will," Tony replied with a blank expression on his face, "and we both know that the outcome will be."

We made eye contact but I quickly turned away and kept towards the bus in silence, "So what's the plan for tonight?"

The boy sighed at my question, "Ben is dropping you off at the airport tonight. He's telling the guys that you're Sam since they already think she's here, and I'll meet you there after saying goodbye to the guys."

Tony opened the bus door for me causing me to smile, but before I could walk on the bus he pulled me back and into a hug, "Tone?"

"I really don't want you to leave Vic," he mumbled into my hair. His grip around me tightened but mine only loosened.

I sigh and push him away from me, "Tone, it's for the best." With that I walked on the bus leaving him alone outside.

My bag was already packed with a note laid on it from Ben, 'my set will be running later than usual, so if I'm not there to take you I'm sorry.'

A frown formed on my face as I took a seat on the couch clutching the note in my hands. The tears I'd been holding in for the last two days finally fell. Everything hurt, and I cried out thinking someone would actually hear me.

I'm about to throw away some of the best things in my life. If I don't I'll just be holding them all back, and they don't deserve that. I'm a ticking time bomb, and I'm about to explode.


My eyes caught sight of the boys outside the door to the airport saying goodbye to Tony. I smiled at the sight of them even if they looked like wrecks. My eyes caught sight of Vic and I felt my heart break again. His hair was knotted up and he looks as if he hasn't slept. He really does deserve better.

Soon enough Tony and I were waiting in the terminal for the plane to arrive in silence, "Awe you two are such a cute couple."

Tony and I both looked up to see an older lady with two kids who looked about seven or eight, "Oh um we are-"

I cut the boy off giving the lady a sweet smile, "Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say."

She smiled at me before taking the two kids to find seats in the corner of the room, "What the hell was that?"

"You don't remember Wal-Mart?" I asked remembering the day he tried to kiss me. Just then the flight attendant announced that we were boarding so I got to my feet and left the boy in shock.

Thank you so much for reading everyone!
So for my next story I think I'm going to write an Alex Gaskarth fic.
I also have an idea for a Jaime one.
Let me know which one you'd rather!

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