Chapter 31

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Tears ran down my face due to the dream, or well nightmare. It's been reoccurring since I arrived in San Diego three days ago. I quietly ran my hands through my hair trying to calm my breathing a tad.

"What's going on?" Tony hurried into the room with a bat practically busting the door down. "Are you okay?"

I sighed as he took a seat next to me on the bed, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Tony seemed genuinely concerned, "No not really." He sighed at my response and tightly grabbed my hand.

"We're going out today Claire. I'm meeting up with some friends and you're hanging out with us at six flags," I opened my mouth to deny the idea but he was already gone, "Be ready in thirty minutes!"

I groaned and pulled out my navy blue tie-dye PVRIS crop top I'd gotten at Warped, along with a pair of high waist ripped white shorts and my black high top converse.

Quickly, I changed before grabbing my make-up bag and tooth brush and heading to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair before applying some eyeliner, mascara, and clear lip gloss before deciding I was finished.

I bumped into Tony as I was making my way out of the bathroom causing me to blush before darting into my room. A chuckle could be heard which made me smile a bit as I tossed my wallet and other necessities into a draw string bag. To finish everything off I grabbed my sunglasses and put on Vic's old vans snapback I'd stolen a while ago.

"You ready?" Tony asked while sticking his head into my door.

I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest glaring at the boy, "What if I was in the middle of changing Tone?" His eyes widened and cheeks tinted a slight pink causing me to laugh. He's so awkward at times, "Yes I'm ready."

He quickly shook away his embarrassment and opened the door fully so I could walk out of the room. Tony grabbed my hand in his, and I felt my heart drop when I noticed the members of All Time Low sitting in his living room.

"Whoa wait this is Vic's girl Tony!" Alex jumped from his place on the couch as if he'd just seen a ghost.

"I thought she was dead?" Rian whispered to Zack causing me to put my head down in shame. My idols are sitting in front of me, and they've already got a bad first impression of me.

Tony looked down at me and frowned slightly, "Guys it's just a really long story, but I know she's a big fan of ya so I figured I'd do this for her."

Jack was standing in front of me with a confused look on his face, "Are you okay?" I was honestly expecting a funny or sarcastic comment to come from him, but it was a sincere question.

"Y-yeah," I replied with a slight smile. Zack walked up to me next and gave me a tight hug.

"Alright, so we're going to Six Flags?" Rian asked with a smirk on his face, "Do you not remember what happened last time?"

Tony chuckled and shrugged slightly, "I called and told them we were coming. Hopefully they can keep everything under control this time."


My eyes widened as I watched Jalex in action right in front of me. Alex was on Jacks shoulders as the six of us made our way around the park. So far we'd only ridden two roller coasters, which Tone couldn't ride because of his injury.

Rian took the spot next to me and shot me a small smile, "So like, I heard about what happened. Why didn't you tell Vic you were okay?"

"I couldn't face him honestly," I bit my lip and squeezed the necklace he'd given me, "I was just going to end up hurting him. It's best if I'm not in the picture. The fans were already putting the pieces together, and I didn't want him to have that reputation."

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