Chapter 16

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Vic wasn't kidding when he said he was going to be busy for the next couple of days. I haven't had a chance to talk to him for more than five minutes since their show back in Virginia. Today we're in Connecticut, and I'm probably just going to stay on the bus again.

In a way I've been kind of lost since the guys got busy. I've never been to these places before, so as a result I don't know where to go.

A sigh escaped my mouth as Dead! by My Chemical Romance began playing through my headphones which was my cue to get out of bed finally. I had done a complete loop through my music library.

Slowly I made my way out of the bunk and pulled the headphones from my ears only to hear the boys conversing from the front lounge. None of them have really even tried to talk to me in the last week which was slightly upsetting.

When I opened my suitcase to pull out a clean change of clothes, I was met with an empty bag. An annoyed groan escaped my mouth. We haven't had a day off in practically two weeks, and as a result I'm out of clothes.

"Good morning," footsteps caught my attention and when I turned around my dull green eyes were met with familiar chocolate brown ones, "are you okay?"

I only nod and bite my lip lightly. Vic and I haven't talked this much in a week and I was at a loss for words. "Yeah, I'm just out of clothes..."

"Do you want to borrow some of mine?" He shot me a small but sweet smile before turning to his bag and pulling out a tie dye vans shirt as well as a pair of black sweats.

"I guess I don't have a choice then," I gladly took the clothes from him allowing a smile to creep on my face before turning in the direction of the bathroom.

A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump slightly, but I soon relaxed realizing it was just Vic again. "Wait," he said in barely a whisper before sliding the door leading to the front of the bus shut and locking it.

"W-what are you doing?" I'll admit, my nightmares have been more frequent than usual now. I don't know how I don't wake the boys up in the middle of the night.

His hand cupped my cheek lightly bringing heat to my frozen face, "I've missed you." With that he placed a light kiss on my lips before wrapping me into a tight hug, "I'm sorry if you felt ignored. We were just really busy with writing and performing."

His body was still pressed against mine and out of habit I placed my hand on his toned stomach, "it's not that big of a deal Vic. This is your passion, and you're really fucking good at it."

Vic sent me a smile before kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter. His warm touch sent shivers through my cold body as well as the familiar butterflies that surface whenever he's around. He was like a safe house for me.

"I should probably get changed now. The boys may get suspicious as to why you've been back here for so long," I said lowly into his shoulder before pulling away.

"Are you coming to the soccer game?" I shot the boy a confused look which he responded to by laughing, "a couple of the bands are getting together and playing. You can be on my team if you'd like."

"Um sure," I responded with a giggle. Back in high school I started on our varsity team so it would be fun to get on the field again.

Quickly I pecked him on the cheek before snatching the hat off his head and sliding out of the room leaving the taller boy in shock.


Now let me tell you, being accused of dating Vic Fuentes was hard enough to deny with the amount time we spend together. It's even harder when you're wearing his fucking clothes around everyone.

Two hands covered my eyes and I smiled when his familiar cologne hit my senses, "Ben!" I pulled his hands away and jumped into his arms for a hug. We haven't really had the chance to talk lately either which was kind of upsetting.

"Hello beautiful," he replied and ruffled my hair a bit causing me to let out a groan, "how's my little sis doing on the Pierce The Veil bus?"

A groan escaped my mouth as he dropped his elbow on top of my head, "need I remind you that I'm older than you?"

A serious expression crossed his face once he took in my appearance. I was honestly kind of scared of the reaction I would receive. Ben hates hearing about me having sex with guys, and from the looks of me he's probably thinking Vic and I were doing stuff.

"Why are you wearing Fuentes' clothes?" There was a slight bitterness in his tone which caused me to cringe. "Just as I expected," I said under my breath.

An arm slung around my shoulders and I smiled when a pair of lips found their way to my cheek, "do you need something Bruce?"

Ben opened his mouth to respond, but closed his and shook his head before walking away. I wanted to go after him but Vic grabbed my hands and turned me towards him with a giddy expression covering his face. "Are you ready for the match?"

I had almost forgotten about that..." A fake smile covered my face and I nod in response before allowing the Mexican to drag me towards where the game would be held.


As we got closer I was able to make out the familiar sound of Broken Generation by Of Mice & Men playing through Jared's speakers in the Blessthefall bus. A crowd of people were beginning to form and Vic slowly weaved through so we could meet up with our team.

Our team consisted of Matty Mullins, Andrew Glass, Christian Coma, Jaime, Vic, and I. The other team was Lynn Gunn, Ashley Purdy, Beau, Andy, Mike and Ben.

The game went on for a while and our team started out pretty strong, but not long after everything began falling apart. Jaime got kicked in the shin by Lynn when she was trying to get a pass to Beau, Matty didn't know what to do, and every time I turned around Vic was tackled to the ground by Mike or Ben.

Eventually I decided to take matters of redemption into my own hands. Vic passed the ball to me before getting tackled once again, I passed Lynn with ease, but next thing I knew I was on the ground holding my face in pain.

Beau had charged at me and slipped in mud causing him to slip into me and his elbow to hit my nose. "Claire!" Vic's voice drowned out the panic surrounding me and soon after his big brown eyes were looking down at me in worry, "holy shit everyone move back."

I felt something wet drip on my hand and when I pulled back it was covered in blood. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as Vic's strong arms pulled me up in bridal style before sprinting back towards our bus.

Literally can't stop listening to Tangled In The Great Escape today. I don't even know why. I just find the song to be extremely calming. I guess I'm weird haha.

But on another note I want to get to know you guys!

So what's your favorite color?

Mine is Purple or Blue :)

Comment & Vote <3

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