Chapter 22

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"So what if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat, be the fire that'll catch you!" The lyrics poured out of my mouth as the band played. Today we were in Maryland, and the guys were killing it, as always.

Tony and I haven't really spoken since the incident at Wal-Mart, and I think the other guys are beginning to notice the awkward tension between him and me.


Vic and I were sprawled out in the back lounge watching Coraline while the rest of the guys were roaming around New York, "so why didn't you want to go with the guys?"

He lightly kissed the back of my head then my shoulder before tightening his grip around my waist, "what, am I not allowed to spend time with you?" I joked and he smiled down at me.

I was lying on my back while he was on his side with his head propped up by his hand, "I just, usually you want to go out and explore."

"I just feel like we haven't gotten much alone time since Tone got here," it wasn't a complete lie at least. His face held a blank expression, and I knew he could see right through me.

"Claire something happened," Vic's hand cupped my cheek and his eyes stared deeply into mine, "I can tell something's bothering you."

I let out a sigh while placing my hand above the one on my cheek, "Vic, I promise it's nothing to really worry about at the moment. If something else happens I swear I'll let you know."

A pained expression crossed his face; he thinks I don't trust him. In all honesty I don't think I do completely yet. I haven't even told him about Jackson...

"Okay..." His voice was low and weak.

My other hand grabbed Vic's hip and pulled it so he was now on top of me, "Vic just give me a little more time okay? I'm just thinking some stuff over before blowing it out of proportion."

The tan boy nods before leaning in a pressing his lips to mine, "I'm sorry."

I sent him a confused look, "what are you sorry about?"

"I'm sorry that I'm confusing you. For the last month we've been acting like a couple, but I haven't made any moves to ask you on a date or to be my girlfriend," he bit his lip lightly.

"I kind of just figured you didn't want a relationship. You just got out of one, so I didn't want you to feel pressured or anything." His lips pressed against mine again, but with more emotion.

"I want to be with you."


Vic and I still aren't dating, but I feel like after that conversation we've grown even closer. He tries to get some alone time with me every day now, even if it's only like five minutes. Usually we'll just sneak off to eat together and talk about our days.

My eyes glanced from Vic to where Tony was standing on the other side of the stage waving at fans who noticed him in the wing. He and I really need to talk about what happened the other day and the sooner the better.

I turn away from Tony only to find a sweaty and smiling Vic standing in front of me, "hello beautiful." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Hello Rockstar," I grab his snapback and put it on causing his long brown hair to fall into his face.

"Hey I need that!" He yelled like a little kid trying to grab it from me. When his lands left my waist I turned and sprinted in the direction of the busses laughing uncontrollably.

I took a sharp right not seeing, Tony talking to Ashley Purdy, and immediately took him down along with myself. His good arm wrapped around me as he fell on his back causing the wind to be knocked out of him, "holy shit Tony!"

Panic took over me as the boys features showed pain, "oh my god Tony I'm so fucking sorry please tell me you're okay. Fuck I can't believe I did that-" I rambled on only to have him cut me off.

"Hey don't worry. I'm okay," he said in barely a whisper. I knew he was just saying that so I wouldn't freak out, but I'll admit him saying that did calm me down."

"What the hell?" I turned and looked back at Vic eyeing Tony and I carefully, "what's going on?"

My eyes shift from Vic back to Tony before realizing I was straddling the poor boy. Quickly I hopped off him and Ashley helped me pull tony back to his feet, "when I was running I ran into him..."

I held my head down shamefully as I moved so I was standing next to Vic. He quickly wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulders before glaring at Tony.

I bit my lip lightly and kept my eyes on the ground under my feet. This conversation was going to go downhill and fast if this keeps up. I've been too scared to talk to Vic about what Tony did by myself, and I know for a fact that Tony hasn't said anything.

Ashley glanced between Tony and I before speaking up, "okay what the hell are the two of you hiding? The amount of awkward tension right here is so much that I could probably cut it with a knife."

Tony opened his mouth to say something, but closed it once again deciding against it, "are you not going to tell Vic?"

The boy next to me stiffened at my words. I could tell he was getting really confused and worried so I just grabbed his hand that was not around me and squeezed it tightly, "Tone?"

"W-when she and I went to get you medicine that morning, I-I got caught up in the moment and..." He paused for a second and sent me a look as if pleading me not to make him do this but I stayed strong, "I-I tried to kiss her."


After what happened with Tony, Vic and I sat together quietly watching another movie on the bus. I was at a loss for words, and he hasn't spoken to me since asking what I wanted to watch.

"Vic?" He didn't respond, and I just let out a sigh. Maybe he hates me now? Although if he did wouldn't he have told me to leave him alone?

"Don't over think things, I'm not mad at you," he said huskily into my ear. I heard rain begin to drop on top of the bus causing goosebumps to form down my arms, "I just don't like the thought of you and him."

I turned over so he and I were face to face in the dark room. Before I could speak he slammed his lips against mine and crawled on top of me, "Claire I know we haven't made what we are official in any way, but if you haven't noticed I like you a lot. I don't want to see you in the hands of another man."

With that we fell into a heated make out until a knock on the door caused us to break apart, "guys are you awake?" Tony.

"Y-yeah," I replied still slightly out of breath. Tony opened the door, and Vic didn't even get off me.

The short haired boy's eyes widened at the scene in front of him, "I um- I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just really needed to say I was sorry Vic. I fucked up, and I'm just really sorry man. I wasn't thinking."

Vic slowly moved off me and wrapped Tony into a loose hug, "Tone you're fine, okay? I'm not really mad. I mean she's gorgeous, I can't blame you for wanting to kiss her."

"I'll agree with you on that one," a smile formed on Tony's face.

"Although if you do it again," Vic punched him in his good arm, "you'll get more than a punch in the arm."

Both boys laughed and I just watched in admiration.

There's going to be a major plot twist soon, so get ready for that.

So does anyone like Memphis May Fire?

I'm obsessed with No Ordinary Love honestly.

Comment & Vote <3

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