Chapter Six

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I sit in the living room of Death Hide's house once again.  Having a cup of tea. Brilliant. At least Riley fixed up the place. 

Yesterday every wall was white, now three walls are a cream colour and the one with the TV on it has black and red flower wallpaper. It's nice, it goes well with the leather couches and wooden coffee table, fireplace and book shelves. In less than 48 hours this place looks like a proper moved in house. I applaud them. 

Harper sits on the other couch with her feet up, she probably doesn't notice Riley's arm around her shoulders but  I would want to spoil it. Besides I think she likes it. 

Amelia sits beside me, her legs crossed and her tea in her hands. The thunder and lightening is unsettling to the girls, this has to be a way to get closer to them. She changed out of her clothes when she got in because the rain hit us as we were driving back from the Restaurant. She hat a grey hoodie with grey quarter length jogging bottoms and her slipper grey ugg boots. Speaking of the restaurant, may I just say that Jenny is a more western looking version as Amelia. I said that to Amelia and she just laughed. I don't see why, it is a good thing. I could eat them right up. Literally. 

Amelia said her sister has a boyfriend, I wouldn't be so bothered about it except the name I have  to admit is very familiar, Edward Ware. Very familiar.I just can't put my finger on it though.

We sit there for around another twenty minutes, then the lights flicker. At first we just look around like its nothing.  Then the power goes completely off, and we are left in a pitch black house. Harper screams when lightening lights outside. "Harper it's okay, it was just lightening." I hear Riley say. I can see everything. 

Amelia stands up, her hands are in front of her. "I know where the candles are, can someone get the lighter from the kitchen?"

 Riley stands up, Harper stretching her hands up to reach him. I think she's scared of the dark or something like that. "Riley?"

Too late, he's already in the kitchen. I look over at Amelia, she's nearly at the cabinet, must be where the candles are. However I look at her path, one of Riley's shoes are there. She's going to trip. As I say that she does. However with my speed I catch her before she hits the ground. I smile and chuckle, "Do you have daily clumsy moments or is it just because of me."

Her eyes are looking at me, however they are not. She can't see me but I can see the sparkle in her eyes at my voice and her blushing cheeks, "Oh shut up."

 She hits my chest and I laugh, I stand her on her two feet. She proceeds to open the cabinet.

She pulls out a bag of candles and makes her way back to the couch and the coffee table. I follow her back.

After that we just sat there and talked.

I look at my watch and grunt, "I need to go. I have work tomorrow and assistant hunting."

I stand up and stretch, "What happened to Chelsea?"

I look at Riley and shrug, "disappeared. Just grabbed her things and left. I have no idea."

Meaning I killed her... oops.

Harper smiles and Amelia, "Hey Amy, you have Admin skills, you could-."

"Harper stop there," Amelia interrupts and sips her tea.

 I smile down at Amelia and tilt my head, "Do you?"

She rolls her eyes, "A bit. But I'm not charity."

I shake my head and crouch down, "No, just wait. I need an assistant fast, there's this stalker girl in my building and she wants to be my assistant. She's a creep. Please say you need a job."

Amelia looks at me with her thinking face, "She does." Harper smiles and giggles. 

Amelia scowls at Harper, "Harper shut up."

Harper laughs and falls on Riley.

I keep my eyes locket on Amelia's eyes. Her eyes snap onto mine and the sparkle comes back. I give her my puppy dog face. "Please?"

She smiles and looks down, "let me think about it."

I grin and pick her hand up, "You know where I am if you decide." I kiss the top of her hand and head out back to my house. 

Sorry it's a short chapter I'm just stuck for inspiration.

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