Chapter Five

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Morning waits me as I open my eyes in my new room, the walls piss me off however the room itself is good. I yawn and smile, I roll over in my bed, 1 PM. Seems good. I sit up in bed and stretch. I don't know why I am in such a good mood this morning but it's weird. I push the covers off and stand up, my bare legs feel the cold. I walk towards my drawers, my phone sits there. I smile and pick it up, Nothing can spoil my mood right now.

Hmmm, a text. I spoke too soon

Mom: We're here early, be at the resteraunt for 2:15.

Damn, I have to get dressed, presentable and try and find my way to this restaurant in the next hour and ten minutes (mother is always early)  

I grunt and open my drawers in a rush, banging and thumping whilst I get dressed. As I stand there with my clothes in hand and in my pajamas I look out my window. I'm loving this view. Okay I'm not a stalker, but seeing with his shirt not all the way buttoned and him in his smart look was to much on a temptation to miss. I know I've been staring when all of a sudden out eyes meet, I blush and he looks like he laughs. I turn away quick, that just did not happen. Get your head together Amelia. 

I turn away from him and dump my stuff  on the bed. I need to look nice and posh but not showing my mother up. So I have my white blouse with black collar, black floral skirt, denim jacket and black heels. Perfect.

I look down at my necklace. Ben was looking at it really funny last night. He kept asking about it.  Truth is I don't know where it came from. I remember finding it at the bottom of the garden when I was little. That's all. It was probably some bird that dropped it in when it was flying. 

I quickly get dressed, do my make-up and hair and already it's 1:40. Man I take forever to change. With no time to loose I grab a bag, my purse my phone and I'm ready to go. I leave my room, nearly tripping over a can of paint, and walk down the hallway and stairs. Looks like Riley is here. I when I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Harper crossed legged on the living room floor. I roll my eyes and walk in.

When I enter I look around. Now I know what she's looking at. Riley has his top off, he's in his dark denim jeans and he's stretching whilst he paints. Harper is sitting there in her denim shorts and galaxy top and hipster sunglasses. I laugh and knock her grey beanie off, "I'm going out. Don't drool on the carpet please."

She nods, "Okay." 

Riley looks over his shoulder and smiles. "Leaving so soon Amelia?"

I shrug, "Got a meeting with my mother."

He laughs, "Ah, I see. Well good luck."

I roll my eyes and chuckle, heading to the door, "Ha I wish."

When I get out the door I'm greeted by sun. There is people mowing there lawn and people just genuinely out in the sun. I walk down to the path and look at my phone, which has a map on it, as I walk I bump into someone. "Oh sorry."

I look up and I can see a blond girl with green eyes. She smiles and shakes her head, "No sorry it was my falut. You're the one that bought number 13 right?" She asks, he voice so happy and chirpy it makes me want to hug her. She just has that vibe. 

I nod, "Eh yeah."

She smiles, "Good, I live a few doors down, I'm Stacy."

She says taking out her hand and waiting for a hand shake, I shake it in return, "Amy."

In my head I'm thinking, Oh god please don't kiss it. I'm relieved when she pulls it back. 

She sighs, "Well I need to finish my jogging. However I was just wondering are you busy Friday?"

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