Chapter Four

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We're out of the house very late, with Riley already hitting on the one called Harper we had to stay for longer than I expected. We got a meal though, maybe not the one I was truly wanting but we can't have everything. So what I got Pizza instead of a young girl's blood. No big dead, I'll have one wrapped around my finger soon. 

This girl, Amelia. She has so many signs to show me that she's mine, she moved into the room that is across my bedroom window, she has a sister called Jen, like one of our last victims and last but what most stuck me as odd her love heart shaped lockets key hole fits perfectly with my key necklace. She is most definitely mine, with or without the signs.

The light flickers from the lamp post from outside my house, Riley looks like his in some sort if far off dream so I just sigh and walk down my drive way. I hear rustling in the trees, someone is in there. I stop, Riley bumps into the back of me, "Oh sorry Ben." He stutters out.

What's wrong with him?

"Hey! Ben, Riley, did you get invited in?" 

I look at the bushes to see at first  green glowing eyes, however when the person emerges from the dark I see it's Harry. The leader of the coven, he's a born vampire. Meaning he's a hunter, he can tack anyone and he'll do anything to get a meal. He's dangerous. 

I nod and look at Death's Hide, "Yeah. We did." I know we can talk about this stuff right now because I can sense that Harper and Amelia are in the living room watching tv. No one can bother us or hear us.  I look back at Harry, he's stands a few steps in front of us, towering over us.

"So what are they like?" He asks, his eyes getting darker and darker thinking about them. 

I sigh, "Well, the blond is going to be tuff work. I've already claimed her. And Riley here has himself a brunette however I think she's going to be easy, huh Riley?"

I smack his arm whilst  looking at Harry, I don't know why Riley is acting like this but it's getting on my nerves. "Hey, you alright." Harry catches on. I growl and turn to Riley. I hit his arm harder. Riley pops out if his bubble of day dreams and looks at us, "Yes?"

I laugh, " Man, your head was in the clouds. Must of been that pizza. I was talking about Harper."

He looks at me and I swear his eyes light up, weirdo. He grins and looks at Harry, "Oh yeah, great girl. Smells good."

Harry laughs and shakes his head, "Of course she is. You only go for the best. Well we'll get to meet them soon. Rebeca is having a party, Stacy and I are going to invite them. Be sure to go or Rebeca will be pissed."

I hear giggling and yelling, "Oh Harry. We're waiting."

Harry licks his lips, "Well my dinner is waiting. Have a good night. "

He turns around and goes to run to the darkness. Before he properly disappears he turns around to face me, "Oh Ben, we're getting together at teatru al naibii instread of the office. Be there for 4 o'clock." He says with a smirk.

I nod my head, "Okay."

He chuckles and turns around, "Man I love it when there's a full moon."

Don't we all, it's the one time we get to enter the daylight without burning. It's always one of the best days.

Harry disappears into the dark. I sigh and roll my eyes, "Well what are you doing tomorrow?" I ask Riley since he's not in his day dream. 

He smiles and looks at his shoes, "I'm going to help Harper with the house, I said I'd get people to drain her pool and I told her I decorate and I'd do it for free." I chuckles and looks up, his eyes starting to show the inner animal. He did it with the family before, be very kind and helping out. Then stab them in the back. It's his way of hunting.

He nods and then looks up and snaps his fingers, "I need to go book them. See ya Ben."

With that said he disappears too. Leaving me clueless and worn out. I need to wake up early tomorrow, that means sleeping. I'm always grumpy without sleep and with Harry's annoying assistant and Stacy I can't be grumpy. I walk towards my door slowly, that reminds me. I need to find a new assistant since I killed the last one. What was her name? Cassie? Casey? Anyway she was a slut and I couldn't stand her anymore. I need to find one quick though before that stalker Molly finds out. Since I promised if I need to hire someone I would hire her. That was when she was new and desperate.  Then I got the calls and the love letters. The woman is nuts. 

I close my front door behind me and lean against it, today has sucked the life out me however my mind is everywhere. Why did her sister have to be called Jenny?  Why does she have to be my type? Why is her necklace the match for mine? Pieces of the puzzle don't mix.  

I've already marked her anyway, however I wished it wasn't her hand. However the opportunity was right there I couldn't chance missing it. I need to thank Jenny, if it weren't for the shattered globe I wouldn't have had that chance. 

Ugh I actually smell of cheese and peperoni. I can't stand it. 

I do my speedy thing and get a shower, after a long time I decide I don't smell of cheese and step out. I just get dressed in my black pajama bottoms like last night. As I enter my room I see the dim light of Amelia's room. I sit on the computer chair next to my window and look  out.

It's rather hard to see right now but I can only make out her baggy American football t shirt and her red shorts. She's brushing her hair. She's looking at her tv, the dim light and faint screaming suggests a horror movie. Good taste. 

My stomach rumbles as I grow hungry. I need blood.

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